
Of Plymouth Plantation

  • The Voyage Begins

    The Voyage Begins
    On September 16, 1620 the Mayflower left England after a delayed launch due to leakage aboard the ship. Many people went on this journey so that they could either start a new life overseas or so that they could practice their religion without prosecution. Little did everyone know that they were going to encounter more harships than they could handle.
  • Aggression on the Ship

    Aggression on the Ship
    While the voyage was under way many passengers aboard the ship were beginning to become seasick from the rough waters and cramped living conditions. While many of these people were sick one member was taunting and humiliating those who were sick. While he had been torrmenting the others he couicidentally caught the sickness and died.
  • Ships Main Beam Split

    Ships Main Beam Split
    While aproximatley halfway to their destination the pilgrims encountered a major problem. The ships main beam was cracked from all of the storms. They had to decide what they wanted to do so they got a large metal screw and used it to attempt to hold the beam back where it was supposed to be. This process took a very long time, but it was essentail for the survival and arrival of the pilgrims on the east coast of modern day America.
  • Pilgrims land in Plymouth

    Pilgrims land in Plymouth
    Finally after an almost 6 month voyage the pilgrims have landed on the east coast of modern day America, plymouth. Although they were very thankful that they survived and had other problems to deal with. Many of the people that were aboard the ship were sick and some people were dying from the diseases that were widespread on the ship. Also they didn't have much food at the time of landing, they would need to learn the land and start hunting soon. And finally it was almost winter with no homes.
  • Pilgrims Spot Natives

    Pilgrims Spot Natives
    After the worst of the winter is over the Pilgrims begin to start making new houses for the slowly rising population. While the puritains were building houses they started to see that some of their tools would go missing overnight. They later figuered out this was caused by natives of land who were curious as to who these strange people were. After time the natives aproached the pilgirms weapons drawn, the pilgrims exclaimed they came here in peace. That was the beginning of the relationship.