Of Plymouth Plantation

  • Bully on the Ship

    Bully on the Ship
    There were diseases and illness spreading on the ship. And there had been one particular sailor who would taunt the helpless passangers on the ship. One day that sailor caught a certain disease and died, So the people aboard the ship threw him overboard. Bradford believed that God helped the Pilgrims and made the sailor get sick and died like karma.
    " Thus his curses light on his own head, and it was an astonishment to all his fellows for they noted it to be the just hand of God upon him" (29).
  • Lucky iron screw

    Lucky iron screw
    A beam on the ship was going to break, but luckily a passanger on the ship had an iron screw that was from Holland that the Pilgrims stuck in the beam and fixed it. With a carpenter and master on the ship, they put a post under it and set firm in the lower deck and otherways bound and the beam would then hold up. Bradford thought that God brought that screw to the people on the ship to save them.
    "So they committed themselves to the will of God and resolved to proceed" (30).
  • Thrown out, came back

    Thrown out, came back
    John Howland got flung to one side of the ship and then thrown into the sea. He was hauled up by the same rope to the brim of the water and then wiiht a boathook.Bradford believed that God wanted John on the ship and kept him alive.
    "But it pleased God that he caught hold of the topsail halyards which hung overboard and ran out at length" (30).
  • All tangled up

    All tangled up
    As they apporached Cape Cod, they realized that is not where they wanted to be. So after some dilberation, they decided to go south to find the Hudson River. But the first day out there was a terrible storm that drove them back to Cape Cod until the morning. Bradford believed that God helped them realize it wasn't safe out there and they needed to stay alive to reach the new world.
    "And blessed the God of Heaven who had brought them over the vast and furious ocean" (30).
  • New begining

    New begining
    Once the Pilgrims reached the new land they had to set up basically a whole new life because there was nothing there once they arrived. They had to make sure they had enough food and wood to last them through the expected cold winters. Bradford believed that God soulffuly helped them through the tough times.
    "Let them therefore praise the Lord, because He is good: And His mercies endure forever" (31).