Of Plymouth Plantation

  • Bradford gets the position of governor

    Bradford gets the position of governor
    William Bradford volunteers to get a government position in the colony. The colony is not in good shaoe. People are starting to die.
  • Bully on the ship to America

    Bully on the ship to America
    A captain of the ship is making fun of, and torturing the passengers of the ship. But he later gets very sick, and dies.
  • Arriving at Cape Cod

    Arriving at Cape Cod
    The ship with all of the Puritans arrive at Cape cod on Novmeber 10th, 1610. It is cold, so they continue to live on the ship for the time being.
  • Bradford's first wife dies

    Bradford's first wife dies
    William bradford's wife jumps off the ship when they arrive, and commits suicide. No one know's really the exact reason, but people think she just got overwhelmed.
  • Finding a location ton set up for Winter

    Finding a location ton set up for Winter
    Group parties go out to look for a place where the explorers could se up a place to stay for the Winter. But it is not easy. Since the colonies have arrived so late it is very cold.