Nuremberg Trials

  • The Killing of Jews in Europe has Become known to the Allied Forces

    The Killing of Jews in Europe has Become known to the Allied Forces
    The killing of Jews in Europe became known to the big 3 Allied forces. All three had ideas on what should happen. The Soviets declared a mass killing of German soldiers. The UK said to have an execution without trial. The US said they should have a criminal trial. This was important, because it was now on the Allied radar.
  • Allied Forces Meet in London

    Allied Forces Meet in London
    They created the IMT or International Military Tribunal. The Allied forces also talked about the laws and procedures that would happen. This was important, because the Allied forces knew how the trial would happen.
  • The Opening Statement is Said at the Trials

    The Opening Statement is Said at the Trials
    The United States representative Robert H. Jackson starts off the whole trial. He talks about the reason all of them are gathered and the defendants listen. This was significant, because it started the trial that would change history.
  • A Video is Shown of the Concentration Camps during the Trial

    A Video is Shown of the Concentration Camps during the Trial
    On this day in the trials it was the first time to see a film. It showed film from concentration camps in Germany and showed to the judges of what was going on inside of them and the lives people would live inside of one.This was important, because it was the first the people saw the crimes inside the camps.
  • The British's Opening Statement

    The British's Opening Statement
    This was the day that the British were introduced into the trial. Their opening statement consisted of the breach of treaties and the aggressive war. Their statement said that countries have to keep other countries accountable for their actions or laws they would break. This is important, because it introduced two crimes the Nazi Party committed.
  • Concentration Camps are Brought into the Trials

    Concentration Camps are Brought into the Trials
    On this day, the trial showcased the treatment of Jewish people inside the camps. It also showed to the courtroom death books, along with images of tattooed skin of people and bodies.
  • The Gestapo are Mentioned in the Trials

    The Gestapo are Mentioned in the Trials
    This was the last trail, before there was a Christmas break. In this trial in talked about the Gestapo, or Secret State Police. They were declared a criminal organization. Thus, many of its top generals were sentenced to death. This was significant, because a lot of the people being executed were apart of the Gestapo.
  • The French Opening Statement

    The French Opening Statement
    On January 17, the French began their opening statement. Their statement consisted of presenting proof about War Crimes and Crimes against humanity. This was significant, because it talked about the two other war crimes in the war.
  • Russian Opening Statement

    Russian Opening Statement
    The Russian Opening Statement consisted of them talking about how there has never been such a large amount of crime committed. They also said how it was the first time criminals of the state that have committed these crimes have been brought to a court of justice. This was significant, because it was the first time that the it was told that the crimes they have committed were too far.
  • Closing Statements by Allied Forces

    Closing Statements by Allied Forces
    On July 29, the allied forces began to say their closing statements. They all went over what has been said in the trials and how many people have lost their lives due to the invasion of countries, Jewish executions, and battles. The Russian statement talks about how they call for the death penalty for all the defendants. This was significant, because it was towards the end of the trials and started to begin the people who would receive a death penalty.
  • Reading of the Judgements

    Reading of the Judgements
    On October 1, the Tribunal read the Judgement on whether the defendants were guilty or innocent. 19 were found guilty of more than one count of Indictment. Later in the day, the Tribunal read the people that would be hanged and the others that would be in prison. 12 of them were going to be hung while the rest would be in jail for varying times. This was significant, because it was the time that the criminals would hear the decisions if they received the penalty or prison time.
  • Hermann Goering Suicide

    Hermann Goering Suicide
    Hermann Goering was one of the most powerful people in Nazi Germany. He was in charge of the Luftwaffe or air force. He was convicted of four counts including crimes against peace, war crimes, crimes against humanity, and conspiracy to commit crimes. On the night before his execution, he committed suicide in his prison cell, by cyanide poisoning. This was important, because it was Hitler's right hand man, and he wanted to take his on life instead of being hung.
  • The Execution

    The Execution
    On October 16, the men that were to be executed entered a gymnasium to be executed by hanging. With the execution over, the Nuremberg Trials were concluded as the rest of the convicts were in jail. This was important, because it concluded the trials by the criminals being executed.
  • The Significance of the Nuremberg Trials

    The Significance of the Nuremberg Trials
    The Nuremberg Trials revealed the horrors of the Nazi Crimes and held the most prominent Nazi criminals to justice. It had a major impact by it being the first time criminals would be brought to justice on such a level. It also proved to countries that would have to keep other countries accountable in the future for their actions.