Northern renaissance screensaver 700 paintings

Northern Renaissance

  • Jan 1, 1440

    Invention of the Printing Press

    Invention of the Printing Press
    The Invention of the Printing Press was a great impact on the world. Before the printing press, everything was hand-written. Literature could be spread faster because it could be produced faster. The first thing to be printed on the first printing press was to Bible.
  • Jan 1, 1453

    The Fall of Constantinople

    The Fall of Constantinople
    The Fall of Constantinople was also the end of the Byzantine Empire. They fell under the seige of the Ottoman Empire
  • Jan 1, 1485

    The invention of the Parachute

    The invention of the Parachute
    Another one of DaVinci's inventions. The first sketch of a parachute was found in his journal but the idea was later modified by Fausto Veranzio. He replaced the canopy with a cloth and tested it out by jumping off the Tower of Venice.
  • Jan 1, 1487

    The Vitruvian Man

    The Vitruvian Man
    The Vitruvian Man was drawn by Leonardo DaVinci in 1487. The Vitruvian Man was drawn to show the proportions of the human body. It shows a man within a square and a circle. Leonardo discovered many things and this was one of them. It shows that if we were to stretch out our arms and feets together, we would form a square. If we stand with our feet spread out then we make a circle.
  • May 1, 1492

    Columbus discovered America

    Columbus discovered America
    Christopher Columbus founded America. After this many immigrant rushed to get over there for religious freedom. He was trying to find a shortcut to get the West Indies Islands but instead he discovered America.
  • Jan 1, 1506

    St. Peter's Basilica Began

    St. Peter's Basilica Began
    Raphael Sanzio was the main archtect on St. Peter's Basilica. A copy of one of his paintings can be found inside the building. Constructoin ended on November 1626. It is one of the iconic building found in the Vatican City.
  • Jan 1, 1564

    Birth of William Shakespeare

    Birth of William Shakespeare
    William Shakespeare is one of the great writers of all time. He created many play and poems such as Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet, Midsummer Night's Dream, Macbeth etc. A lot of his work was written during the Renaissance. He wrote in iambic pentameter, this form of writting changed the style of literature.
  • Lifting Tower

    Lifting Tower
    This was an early form of a crane. The style is similar to what the Romans created. The Lifting Tower was created by Domenico Fontana to help make the Vatican obelisk. The machine made it easier to lift heavy blocks of stone or cement to make these buildings.
  • Start of the Baroque Period

    Start of the Baroque Period
    The Baroque period lasted until 1760. A couple of the famous Baroque composers are Vivaldi, Bach and Handel. Opera became known as a genre of music. Music started to evolve and take shape by inventing new techniques, and new music notation.
  • Death of Elizabeth I

    Death of Elizabeth I
    The reign of Queen Elizabeth I was known as the Elizabethan Era. This is a time when english literature flourished. People thought her as short-tempered and indecisive ruler. The political and economic problems at the end her reign caused a downfall in her popularity. She was buried in Westminster Abbey.