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Nine months of pregnancy, mother and baby changes

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    First month

    It occurs the ovulation, it can happen earlier of later, it depends on the length of the menstrual cycle of the future mother (the average os of 28 days). After this, the egg travels down the Fallopian tube. If there is unprotected sex then the egg will meet the sperm, this is called fertilization.
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    Second month

    The ball of cells turns Ito an embryo. Here is were the organs start developing. Has a basic beating heart and a basic circulation systems. Buds for arms are seen. The neutral tube begins forming (this forms the brain, the spinal cord and major nerves). The sex organs are the same as of other embryos. Some common discomforts are heartburn, nausea, breast tenderness, feeling very tired, peeing more often and voicing gets worst.
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    Third month

    The embryo becomes a fetus. The umbilical cord connects to the placenta and the uterine wall. External sex organs develop. The placenta attaches to the uterine wall and absorbs nutrients from the blood stream. Bones begin hardening in fetus. Nausea gets even worse.
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    Fourth month

    The biological sex of the baby is more visible, hair begins to grow and the roof of the mouth is formed. Nausea lessens, but their is stomach problems for the mother. You can beat abnormally and have increased blood flow.
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    Fifth month

    The skin of the baby is covered with vernix caseosa. Uterus is formed in females. There are fetal movements. There are heartburn, constipation, breast changes, dizziness, shortness of breath, nose bleeds, and gum bleeding.
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    Sixth month

    Bone marrow start producing blood cells, taste buds form. Breast begins producing milk. There may be contractions, if they are really painful, then go to the doctor.
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    Seventh month

    Eyelids are still fused. For the mother, The uterus continues expanding, Back pain is common. You have the same symptoms but less.
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    Eight month

    Lanugo starts falling off. Mother may be feeling tired, have trouble breathing. You can get varicose in veins, hemorrhoids and the other symptoms may continue.
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    Ninth month

    The fetus is fatter and skin is no longer wrinkled. The symptoms for the mother are fatigue, trouble sleeping, trouble holding urine, shortness of breath, varicose veins, and stretch marks. The fetus is born. The "font" breaks.