Night John

  • Night John Comes to Sarny's Plantation

    Night John arrives and everyone knows that he's a very intelligent slave. He arrives and gets a lot of attention from the other slaves. His presence affected everyone.
  • One Lip of Tobacco

    Night John begins negotiating with Sarny, a lop of tobacco for a few letters. Sarny is interested so she trades with Night John and begins learning the alphabet.
  • The Alphabet

    Sarny learns the letters A, B, and C and know how to pronounce, spell, and how to use the letter.
  • Creating Words

    As Sarny learns all 7 leters, A, B, C, D, E, F, and G. She is given the first word by Night John. The word is "bag."
  • Ol' Waller

    Sarny is so excited that she has learned her first word that she begins writing it in the gravel. Waller sees that shes creating words and begins hitting, shoving, and kicking her until an answer. Sarny runs to mama but she made a mistake and Waller brings her to the Spring House.
  • Delie

    Delie is left at the Spring House for a whole day ready to get whipped and Waller gives her a harsh punishment that same day for Night John to watch. Night John's presence saved Delie's life and he confessed of the teaching. He is punished by getting be-toed.
  • Night John's Exiting

    Just like Night John promised he leaves in the next few days and tells Sarny he will be back but she does not believe him.
  • Night John's Return

    Night John returned just like he promised but way later then anyone expected. As soon as he arrived at the plantation he tells Sarny to go to school with him. They escape and go to the school.