Nicholas stern

Nicholas Stern

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    Nicholas Stern

  • Boris river park will ruin my view, says climate change peer

    Boris river park will ruin my view, says climate change peer
    <a href='' target="_blank" >London Evening Standard - Boris river park will ruin my view, says climate change peer</a> Nicholas Stern, who led the Stern Review on the Economics of Climate Change in 2006 and was head of the Government Economic Service for four years, has a property overlooking the site. He claimed the plans, which have been backed by the Mayor of London's office, would "introduce an unsympathetic linear form cutting across historic vistas".
  • 'I'm not being a Nimby, plans for a Thames walkway are flawed'

    'I'm not being a Nimby, plans for a Thames walkway are flawed'
    <a href='' target="_blank" >London Evening Standard - Plans for a Thames walkway are flawed</a> Last week the Standard revealed that former government adviser Lord Stern, who lives near the proposed walkway, had also objected.