news watch

  • desperate syrians flee besieged town

    desperate syrians flee besieged town
    In syria refuges are desperately fleeing to lebanon from thier towns because of the sectarian killings of anyone who isnt part of thier sect.
  • Australia a nation of intolerance

    Australia a nation of intolerance
    In a report on Australia there has shown a current of anti-Muslim attitudes which suggests an entrenched hostility often related to overseas events such as 9/11.
  • Racial taunts: the real NZ

    Racial taunts: the real NZ
    New Zealand has let racism run rampant. It affects a lot people in the community, at schools particularly. This rcism needs to stop otherwise it will only get worse in the future. We need to accept people for who they are.
  • Skin bleaching a growing problem in Jamaica

    Even though the main race of Jamaica is Jamaican most of them
  • Mladic: Blame it on Slobodan Milosevic

    Mladic: Blame it on Slobodan Milosevic
    Ratko Mladic, who is charged with genocide is trying to shift the blame to all sebs because they were the ones who voted for President Slobodan Milosevic and to blame it on him