new zealand is gangster

By petterf
  • abel tasman

    abel tasman is awarded with rediscovery of new zealand,which he sighted and named staten land in 1642.A Dutchman,Tasman was swimming to look for the great southern continent.Abel Tasman visit would still result in culture clash and conflict.As at Golden bay(Murderer's bay as he called it) 4 europeans were killed and one maori as a result of misunderstanding
  • Period: to


  • jame overcook

    j.c came to NZ three time in 1769 on the Endeavour and 1773 and adventure in 1777
  • marion du fresene

    a french exploer to visit newzealand.he had contact with the maori in the bay of islands but there was a misunderstanding and 25 french officers and men got killed includeing du fresne himself.The french retaliated killing 250 local moari
  • sealers

    they arrived here in 1792 for the whaling.sealing took place in remoted areas with large seals population
  • flax trade

    another emerging in dustry in new zealand was flax was dicoverd that new zealand flax was partticully useful for rope used in bout and sailing.the trade is record as taking places as early 1795..
  • first sealing ship

    the first sealing ship to arrive in new zealand was in 1804. it was called the BRITANNIA.the american sealer is credited with the founding of foxveaux strait
  • henry williams

    he arrived in 1823,also to the bay of island and year he was here in new zealand more europian arried spreading around bay of island to the top of northlands.was one of the first missionaries who went to New Zealand in the first half of the 19th century. He was named “the sea-warrior”. He entered the navy at the age of fourteen and served in the Napoleonic Wars. He went to New Zealand in 1823 as a missionary. The Bay of Islands Māori gave Him a nickname Karu-whā ('Four-eyes' as Henry wore glass
  • 1830

    by this date 300 europeans were living all over new zealand
  • polynesian

    they arraved here here between 800ad and 1250ad.they are originally from asia,and over a lengthy period of ex ploration,spread and settled throuthout the pacific islands