Natural disasters

Natural Disasters/ Attacks

By Kally
  • San Fransisco Earthquake and Fire

    San Fransisco Earthquake and Fire
    SF EQ
    A major earth quake hit San Fransisco, and fires were to follow. 3,000 people died and about 20 percent of San Fransisco was left. After the earthquake about 300,000 people had no where to stay, because they lost their homes. The earth quake was caused by San Andreas fault.
  • Bath, Michigan Bombing

    Bath, Michigan Bombing
    Pearl Harbor
    Andrew Kehoe took forty-six people's lives in this disaster. An explosie went off on the north part of the shcol, with one hundred pounds of dynamite.He used a timed denonator, and the explosives were supposedly hid around the school for several months.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    Pearl Harbor Pearl Harbor was attacked by the Japanese Navy. The attack was suppose to prevent the U.S. fleet from military actions to the Empire of Japan. 2,402 Americans were killed, and 1,282 Americans were injured. The attack came to a shock to many americans. The Pearl Harbor attack is said to be a Japanese war crime, because Japan didn't declare war on the US.
  • Dallas Heatwave

    Dallas Heatwave
    Heatwave The heat wave was a streak was from June to September the temperatures were up in the hundreds. There were 1,700 lives taken, beacuse of the extreme heat temperatures. The damage for the agriculture field was 20 billion dollars. In that time period there were only two times the thermometer dropped below ninety degrees.
  • Luby's massacre

    Luby's massacre
    George Hennard ran his pickup into Luby's cafe and shot fifty people, located in Hileen, Texas. He ran into the bathroom and ended up shooting himself. Hennard also injured 20 people. During the shooting he let a mother and her four-year old child leave the premisice. The shooting lasted about twenty-one minutes.
  • Northride Earthwake

    Northride Earthwake
    Northridge Earthqake The earth quake was located in the Los Angelos region. The earth quake was felt all the way from Las Vegas, which is about two-hundred miles away. The magnitude of the earth quake was 6.7. Fifty-seven people died and 5,000 were injured.The damage was about 20 billion dollars.
  • Oklahoma City Bombing

    Oklahoma City Bombing The murrah federal building was a domestic terroist attack. The bombing killed 168 people and injured 680 people. The bomb completely destroyed 328 building in Oklahoma City. The bombing was the biggest investigation in history. There is a memorial dedicated to this terrible tragedy located in Oklahoma City Bombing.
  • Columbine High School Shooting

    Columbine High School Shooting
    Columbine High School Shooting Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold senior who attended Columbine killed 12 students and one teacher. The shool shooting was teh deadliest high school shooting in history. Investigators found in documents that the boys were trying to compete against the Oklahoma City Bombing. This school shooting satarted a big debate over gun control. It also made big discussions over bullying and cliques.
  • The Pentagon

    The Pentagon
    The Pentagon attack was part of the 9/11 attacks. An American plane flew into the west side of the Pentagon. 125 workers were killed in the pentagon, because of the attack. Terroist were the ones to hijack the plane and run it into the pentagon.
  • Hurricane Katrina

    Hurricane Katrina
    Hurricane Katrina was the deadliest cyclone of 2005. 1,822 people died in the hurricane. The hurricane was said to be a category three when it hit New Orleans. To make things worse teh levee system wasn't working, because it was flooded.Only twenty-percent of the city was left untouched by water.
  • Virgina Tech Massacre

    Virgina Tech Massacre
    Seung-Hui Cho who was a student at Virginia Tech killed 32 people. Cho had an anxiety disorder most of his life. When he enrolled at Virginia Tech they didn't know that, he was accused of stalking two girls. Him being accused made him very furious so he went on a rampage and shot 32 people.
  • World Trade Center

    World Trade Center
    The World Trade Center attack was schemed by an Islamic terroist group, al-queda. They hijacked two planes and ran into the world trade center. There were 2,996 deaths and about 6,000 injuries. The leader of the group was Osama-bin Laden. Bin Laden was found ten years later and killed by American special armed forces.
  • Joplin Missouri Tornado

    Joplin Missouri Tornado
    Jopplin tornado was reported as an EF5 tornado. The tornado reach to about 1 mile wide. The tornado took 158 people's lives and injured 1,150 people. It was the deadliest tornado since the Glazier-Higgins-Woodward tornadoes, and the seven deadliest in U.S. history.Jopplin was hit by two other tornadoes previously since 1971.
  • Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting

    Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting
    Adam Lanza shot twenty children and six adults. Before Adam went to the school he had shot his mother. Lanza shot at the glass door to the front entrance of the school to get in.The shooting lasted about twenty-eight minutes inside of the school. The children that he shot were between 6-8.
  • Boston Marathon Bombing

    Boston Marathon Bombing
    Dzhokhar and Tamerlan Tsarnaev put explosives at the end of the finish line at the Boston marathon. Killing three people and injuring 264 people. Tamerlan was shot by police and Tsarnaev was later captured. The brothers were supposedly extreme islamic beliefs.Dzhokhar said that they were plannign to bomb Times Square next, but they couldn't, beacuse they were caught.