
Nations level

By jwherod
  • Period: to

    Nations Level

    White woman won votes and black woman didn't.
  • Age

    Because of age suffrage began to with draw.Over 330 over the age of 30 had to with draw from the nation.
  • Begining

    Woman suffrage started on almost half of the globe.
  • Acheivement

    In new zealand woman acheived suffrage on the nations level.When they heard other states and country's had suffrage they thought that it would work out and be fine.
  • Woman Color

    Woman Color
    White woman win votes and colored woman don't.Colored woman don't win votes because they think that they would be better like slaves.
  • Parade

    8,000 woman particapated in a suffragist parade through washington to try to make suffrage free and equal.
  • Support

    Some woman support woman suffrage.
  • Anti-suffrage

    People made anti-suffrage,it was mainly in tenassee for three quarters of state legisaslature.

    Alice Paul was forced to resighn from the NAWSA because of her insistence.
  • Equalization

    Woman over the age of 30 were allowed to vote.
  • Federal

    Federal suffrage was achieved in other provinces followed the suit.
  • 20th Centry

    20th Centry
    In norway and denmark woman suffrage was gone early in the 20th centry.
  • Election Day

    Election Day
    On one election day american woman execised to vote in 1920 for the first time.
  • Reasons

    Lots of woman worked long and hard just to get govenors to make men and woman equal rights.
  • People

    Woman worked so hard because of the sufrage they madeThose people were mean, hard, and crool.Some woman ,when they didn't work hard were forced to go in a jail pin.
  • Taken

    To this very day suffrage began to be taken away from states,country's,and county's.
  • Works Cited

    Works Cited
    WWW.history.com Magazine /explore kids