My Social Media History

  • MSN Messaging

    Introduced to MSN. Still use to this day.
  • Myspace

    Never really spent to much time on computers before this. this is when i became introdudced to Internet Social Media. (exact date=unkown)
  • Habbo Hotel

    Still discovering the Internet I became fascinated with online Social Interaction. This led me to the popular trend of the time called Habbo Hotel. It is a virtual environment to interact with others in a new, fun, way rather than just text. (this phase never lasted long however).
  • Discovered ICQ

    Searching one day i came across this site and found it cool that i could have live chats with other people. To my disappointment however, most of the people talking could quite simply be classified as incomprehensable retards for not even being able to have proper discussions.
  • Texting

    This is when i received my first cell-phone at 15. Though they did not have unlimited texting atthe time (and cost me a small bundle), I was instantly grasped by this trend in social media, and still am.
  • Facebook

    I was a bit late to the Facebook trend due to the fact that I was determined not to care about such fads. However, eventually I had a profile made for me by others who wanted me to join haha. It was rather interesting but after a while it became a little mundane and do not spend much time on it.