
My Reading Journey

  • The Velveteen Rabbit

    The Velveteen Rabbit
    When I was very young, my Aunt read me her favorite book as a child. She even gave me her original copy. I loved The Velveteen Rabbit. This story helped my imagination run wild and opened the door to a world filled with books.
  • The Giving Tree

    The Giving Tree
    My mom was always an avid reader. Much of our time together was spent buried in a book. From the time I was young, she took me to weekly story time at the library. My favorite experience there was a reinactment of The Giving Tree.
  • Charlotte's Web

    Charlotte's Web
    This book was assigned to me in second or third grade. I remember it as being one of the first chapter books I was truly excited about. The teacher read the book aloud. Students were required to read it on their own as well. This experience inspired me to explore the world of chapter books
  • Encyclopedia

    When I was 10 my father bought a set of encyclopedias and it was the best thing that ever happened to me. It felt like absolute freedom to learn about anything I wanted at any given moment
  • Shakespeare

    I cannot remember what drove me to first read Shakespeare other than the fact that my father owned a beautiful complete set of Shakespeare's work. It was there and I started reading. I was in love with his poetry and drawn to his plays. This is what drew me to theatre as a child.
  • The Lord of the Rings

    The Lord of the Rings
    I was encouraged to read The Hobbit by my father around the age of 10 and loved it. Around 14 years of age, my brother read the Lord of the rings trilogy to me. To this day,these books are my absolute all time favorites. I have read each four times since. They are works of art, filled with poetry, adventure, human nature, love and war. Some wonderful quotes can be found in these books that inspire me on a daily basis.
  • To Kill a MockingBird

    To Kill a MockingBird
    This book was assigned reading in High school. I have read it several times since. The themes in the book are very powerful and the writing is beautiful. This book triggered a passion for the classics.
  • The Classics

    The Classics
    Over this time period, I read every book possible that might be considered a classic. This was an eye opening experience as it took me out of a rut reading the same old thing
  • Where the Red Fern Grows

    Where the Red Fern Grows
    Although I read counties books to my children throughout the years, reading this book stands out in my memory because it was one of the first that all 3 of my children became actively involved in. They were excited, emotional and engaged through the entire story.
  • Harry Potter

    Harry Potter
    Reading the Harry Potter series was a wonderful experience. My son is not a natural reader. It was wonderful to see him excited about the Harry Potter series and excited to read more each day