My Reading Journey

  • Before I Could Read

    Before I Could Read
    Before I was even able to read, my parents would read to me every night. Thus, this was the first step of my love for reading.
  • Second Grade

    Second Grade
    I went to second grade in Cuba, which daily homework was given out. My teacher was very supportive and it was fun reading with classmates.
  • Play Pretend

    Play Pretend
    When I was little, I used to pretend I was a teacher to my dolls and would read to them. This made me like reading and analyze what the story was about.
  • To Learn English

    To Learn English
    When we came to the United States, one of my biggest motivators to reading was to learn English.
  • Librarian

    There was a library close to my house where I used to actually go to get movies from and the librarian there convinced me to get books instead.
  • Contests

    My school had several reading contests where if you read a certain amount of books, you won prizes. This motivated me to read as many books as I could.
  • Junie B. Jones Books

    Junie B. Jones Books
    Junie B. Jones books was one of the first "chapter" books I read. I found the books so interesting and funny that it made me want to read more.
  • My Best Friend

    My Best Friend
    My best friend owned a lot of books and she got me to love reading even more than I did.
  • Series of Unfortunate Events

    Series of Unfortunate Events
    This series of books engaged me in reading. I was so intrigued and fascinated by these books that I wanted to read more similar to them.
  • Out of My Mind Book

    Out of My Mind Book
    This has been the most inspiring and one of my favorite books I have ever read.