My Literacy Autobiography

  • Closed Captioning

    Closed Captioning
    Closed Captioning was introduced in the 1970s. Even though I am not deaf I use CC on a daily basis. In a loud environment, I prefer to read what people are saying rather than struggle to guess. My cousin lived with us for several years while I was growing up. He was deaf and he used closed captioning frequently. I used to watch movies and television with him. I like reading the dialogue, it helps me pick up on things said softly.
  • World Wide Web

    World Wide Web
    I was only three years old when the WWW was developed and introduced to society. I use it everyday and have since my parents bought a computer and dial up internet. The world wide web provides me with many ways to access information, communicate with poeple, and learn.
  • Head Start

    Head Start
    I started Head Start in 1992. I learned more about writing and how to read in Head Start. It was also my first experience socializing with my peers.
  • Texting

    Texting is one of my main modes of communication. It is quick and easy. I do not like talking on the phone much so this provides a lovely alternative. Texting has its own language and grammar, one that sometimes transitions into other forms of writing. I have to be careful not to write abrieviations in assignments.
  • Hooked On Phonics

    Hooked On Phonics
    I was given books on dump trucks and a farm animals. I didn’t like either book, so I didn’t read it. She kept giving me books I didn’t like so I refused to read for her. She informed my parents I was having a problem reading and suggested they purchase “Hooked on Phonics” to help me catch up. My parents ordered it and found that I wasn't reading because I wasn't interested in the material. I learend that I have to read books I do not like. I went to school and read the books I was given.
  • AIM

    I used AIM daily to communicate with my friends. We even found the beta version to use when we were in computer class. I still have an aim account, but I rarely use it. I use skype for the most part now.
  • Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

    Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
    I read this one when it came out. I realized once I finished it rather quickly that I would have to wait for the next installment. I went to J.K. Rowling's web page, searched internet sites, and re-read the first two while impatiently awaiting the release of the thrid book.
  • Naomi's Geese by Sanford Evans

    Naomi's Geese by Sanford Evans
    During PARP we had DEAR time so we had to drop everything and read. In fifth grade, I read Naomi’s Geese by Sanford Evans. I didn’t hear the overhead tell us we could stop, my teacher tell the class to clean up for the next subject. or when she came over and squatted in front of me until I looked up and saw her smiling. I took it home that night and read the book in about two days. I couldn’t put it down. From that point on, reading became my number one hobby.
  • MySpace

    I started using myspace in high school. It was a unique website that allowed me the freedom to express myself as well as keep in touch with friends. There were many different ways to format pages which required learning how to type in "computer code." I learned a lot about web pages and codes.
  • Acceptance to College

    Acceptance to College
    I was accepted to several schools, but I selected HCCC. I do not regret going to Herkimer. I learned a lot about my reading, writing, and speaking abilities.
  • President Barack Obama

    President Barack Obama
    I was of legal age to vote in 2008. I read up on the issues of each candidate before it came time to vote. I read a variety of political literature which is outside my normal selection.
  • Kindle

    My sister bought me a kindle two years ago for my birthday. It was one of the best gifts I have ever received, I use my Kindle regularly. Its nice to read on.