my health maintenance

  • 20s

    healthy eating: make fast food healthy by choosing healthy convenience foods, and snack smart.
    physical activity: go for a jog or fast walk every other day for at least thirty minutes, and weigh myself often. Weight starts building up on you in your twenties, so staying attentive is helpful because losing three-five pounds is easier than losing twenty.
    preventive health care: see a doctor at least once a year for a physical exam to check for diseases, and assess risk for future problems.
  • 30s

    healthy eating: eat a diet rich in calcium, which will keep bones and teeth strong and healthy.
    physical activity: stay or get active with aerobic weight-bearing exercises like jogging or dancing for 30-60 minutes most days of the week as muscles will start to lose their tone.
    preventive health care: prepare a family health record that outlines my own medical history, as well as my other family members, and share it with my health care team.
  • 40s

    healthy eating: eat more soy products to reduce risk of breast cancer.
    physical activity: slim down by exercising for 30 minutes every day in order to reduce risk of heart disease and breast cancer.
    preventive health care: take fish oil supplements daily to reduce risk of heart disease as menopause approaches.
  • 50s

    healthy eating: cut amount of salt and processed carbohydrates in my diet to reduce bloating as I experience menopause. Cut back on drinking (red wine, etc.) which increases risk for breast cancer.
    physical activity: do some sort of aerobic activity or strength training for at least 75 to 150 minutes a week.
    preventive health care: get a clinical breast exam every year in order to help identify signs of breast cancer early on.
  • 60s

    healthy eating: try eating more nut butter snacks, which will curb sweet and salty cravings, while getting the benefits of both protein and fiber. Eat more naturally, and stay mindful of what I am putting into my body.
    physical activity: 30 minutes a day or 150 minutes a week of regular, moderate cardiovascular exercise to keep my heart healthy and pumping.
    preventative health care: Get a bone mineral-density test at least once beginning at age 65 to look out for risk factors of osteoporosis.