My Health Across the Decades

  • My 20's

    My 20's
    In my 20's I will...
    Exercise regularly to build bone mass and reduce risk of osteoporosis.
    Maintain a balanced diet that contains the nutrients I need.
    Avoid smoking and drink in moderation.
    Get as much sleep as I can by making a sleep log and avoiding electronics before bed.
    Use sunscreen when in the sun to protect my skin.
    Find a routine health care provider and have a check up annually.
    Create a financial plan to avoid stress .
    Create balance in my life for my emotional health.
  • My 30's

    My 30's
    In my 30's I will...
    Eat a healthy diet, including plenty of vegetables, fruits, whole
    grains, lean protein and low or nonfat dairy products to combat my slow metabolism.
    Continue exercising to stay lean and reduce disease risks.
    Continue sleeping habits and take quick naps to be energized.
    Reduce stress by spending time with my family.
    Take health care provider advice on screenings to prevent chronic conditions.
    Prevent back pain with good posture.
    Continue yearly health care checks.
  • My 40's

    My 40's
    In my 40's I will...
    Take time to do things I enjoy and continue exercising to reduce stress and risk for common diseases.
    Follow health care recommendations to prevent heart attacks and strokes.
    Continue healthy diet to reduce risk for osteoporosis, diabetes, high blood pressure etc.
    Receive mental health screenings from my health care provider to monitor mental health.
    Seek annual health care check ups.
  • My 50's

    My 50's
    In my 50's I will...
    Continue eating habits but reduce sodium and fattening foods.
    Shoot for 30-60 active minutes per day
    Maintain healthy exercise program to minimize weight gain that comes with aging.
    Take health management program if stress is high.
    Maintain Doctor-patient relationship with health care provider and receive screenings and exams as advised.
  • My 60's

    My 60's
    In my 60's I will...
    Be aware of warning signs for common diseases of my age to be prepared for the worst.
    See my doctor if i notice changes in my health.
    Follow health care provider recommendations for screenings.
    Protect my heart by monitoring my BMI and blood pressure.
    Continue exercising, may do lighter exercise like walking or swimming.
    Increase fiber, fruits and vegetables intake to monitor my weight
    Take steps to reduce risks for falls.