My Experience with Technology

  • First Mobile Game

    First Mobile Game
    The computer game "Snake" was the first game considered to be a mobile app and was created in the year I was born.
  • Google

    A search engine that remains popular today.
  • USB Flash Drives

    USB Flash Drives
    USBs were created to store information on.
  • First Apple iPods

    First Apple iPods
    Used for listening to music on the go and storing it in your pocket
  • Facebook

    Connect with friends and share content
  • Youtube

    A place to upload and watch video content.
  • Google Maps

    Google Maps
    Changed the way we navigate our world. We no longer need paper maps.
  • First iPhone

    First iPhone
    To connect with others on the go
  • Pinterest

    To find and share ideas with others
  • First iPad

    First iPad
    For creation, games, and work