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My Brother Sam is Dead

By Nodear
  • Historical Context: Battle of Lexington and Concord

    Historical Context: Battle of Lexington and Concord
    The American Revolutionary War Begins
  • Period: to

    My Brother Sam is Dead Timeline

  • Introduction: Sam comes home and announces that he will join the army

    Sam Meeker returns to the tavern from college and has a debate with Father about which is the best side of the war Later he gets in a fight with Father about his going off to join the Continental army and needing to use Father's Brown Bess rifle . Finally he leaves and Father ends up crying on the table.
  • Rising Action: Tim visits Sam at Tom Warrups' Hut

    Tom Warrups tells Tim that Sam is staying at his hut. Tim goes and visits Sam who is with his girlfriend, Betsy. Tim pleads with him to go back to college. Sam asks him which side he is on and tells him his reason for bexoming a patriot On his departure Tim finds Father's stolen Brown Bess under a blanket.
  • Historical Context: Battle of Bunker Hill

    Historical Context: Battle of Bunker Hill
    This was the first real battle of the American Revolutionary War
  • Rising Action: Rebel Troops March into Redding to take Tory's Weapons

    The rebels head up to Redding in search for the Tory's weapons. They stop at the tavern and try to find Father's Brown Bess. It was stolen by Sam so they have father on his knees. Tim runs as fast as he can to Tom Warrups hut to get the gun and give it to father. Sam stops him half way retrieves the gun and leaves. The rebels have left the tavern.
  • Rising Action: Father and Tim Head down to Verplanks Point

    Tim joins father on his annual trip to buy some goods at Verplanks Point. On the way there they are stopped at ridgeburry by cowboys who stop father in fear that he will sell his meat to the british. They beat father until loyalist horsemen arrived. They escorted them to father's relatives house in New Salem
  • Rising Action: Father is Captured by the Cowboys

    On the trip back to the tavern snow starts to cover the ground and makes travel harder. They decide to pass Ridgebury to get through faster but Tim realises Father has been captured when he sees many horse tracks in the snow. He follows them and finds the cowboys. Tim outsmarts the cowboys in to believing that the Escorts were coming which made them leave. Father was still missing so Tim dragged the goods back to the tavern.
  • Rising Action: British March into Redding

    The British march into Redding and head to Mr. Heron's house. From there they break into Captain Bett's house. They next head over to Captain Starr's house where he and others are firing at the army. The British head in and destroy the rebels. Tim Vomits at the beheading of the negro Ned. The British burn the house and leave. This change Tim's mind about the British and made him not want to be a Tory.
  • Historical Context: British Raid on Danbury

    Historical Context: British Raid on Danbury
    The British marched into Danbury to take the Continental's supplies. Many people were killed in the process.
  • Rising Action: The Meekers Learn the News about Mr. Meeker

    The Meekers learn that their beloved father/husband is dead. The odd thing about his death is that he was on a British warship where he died of Cholera.
  • Climax: Sam is Accused of Being a Cattle Thief

    Sam has been home for many weeks now during the cold winter of 1778. The Meeker family still hasn't killed their cattle and Sam warned them somone would try to steal it. They heard noise so Sam went to see what happened when suddenly cattle were missing. Sam followed the footprints til he is jumped and tied up. The two men and Sam are put on trial. The men create a story accusing Sam of stealing the cattle. Tim later talks to General Putnam hoping for clemancy.
  • Falling Action: General Putnam Refuses Tim's Clemancy

    General Putnam refuses Tim's clemancy and Sam is to be excecuted with other convicted criminals.
  • Resolution: Sam is Excecuted

    After a failed rescue attempt by Tim, Sam is to be put under the firing squad to be shot. Finally it is Sam's turn to be put to death. Tim screams don't shoot him when he is shot. He was shot fom so close that his chest caught on fire. His body was jerking until he was shot again and stopped jerking.