Elli ch 1 1

My Bridges of Hope-Monique Rojas

  • Elli finds out that her father died

    Elli finds out that her father died
    Summary: Elli finds out that their father died in April. Her brother found out from the cattle dealer when he went to look for him then told her and her mother.
    Type of event: Charcater devolpment
    She is heartbroken after finding out that her father is just gone. She was really close with her father and now all of a sudden she has to learn to live without him.
  • Gets her first job

    Gets her first job
    Summary: Bubi gets Elli the job of assistant counselor at a summer camp for homeless children.
    Type of character development
    She doubted herself simply because she didn't feel educated enough but she discovers that she is able to learn and get the job done.
  • Elli moves to the big city

    Elli moves to the big city
    Summary: Elli becomes a Seminary student in Bratislava. She lives in a dormitory and gets to visit her mother on an occasional weekend.
    Type of event: Builds character
    This is a bigger step for her since she will live in a dormitory and not with her mother and brother nor at a camp during the summer.
  • Elli rejects Andy's marriage proposal

    Elli rejects Andy's marriage proposal
    Summary: After finding out that Andy wants to introduce Elli to his sister as his fiance, Andy confesses to her and asks her to marry him. She politely said that she would but that her main focus is moving to America, getting an education and getting a job.
    Type of event: A turning point
    She had always dreamed of how it would happen when someone proposed to her but after it happened, it didn't feel like anything. She has realized that she needs to stick to her goals.
  • Andy gets sick after he is rejected

    Andy gets sick after he is rejected
    Summary: Andy gets very ill days after Elli said no to his proposal. He gets very violent and is sent to a sanatorium.
    Type of event: Character development
    Elli blames herself in a way for Andy being in the hospital since he always calls her name while he is there and has changed (like gotten violent, etc.). But she knows that she is not to blame because she let him down as easy as she could and she will still care for him.
  • The gang leaves to Israel

    The gang leaves to Israel
    Summary: The boys all leave for Israel. Elli is very sad about it since they are all like brothers to her
    Type of event: Character development
    Elli has to now learn to live without all the boys even though they were always with her and they were all like brothers, soulmates, family, etc. to her.
  • Elli and her mother are off to America

    Elli and her mother are off to America
    Summary: The book ends with them boarding a boat on their way to America. Her mother expresses how she thinks that Elli has grown up so much.
    Type of event: Character development
    Elli is more confident and is proud that her mother approves of the young lady she has become.
  • Theme: Even after a tragic time, you have to keep going and be the best you can.

    Theme: Even after a tragic time, you have to keep going and be the best you can.
    This book took place just right after the Holocaust as Elli is getting through life with living with that always inside of her.