Mrs.Voigt U.S.

  • Opening Trade with Japan

    Opening Trade with Japan
    Matthew Perry led his four ships to Tokyo Bay, because he seeked to re-establish for the first time in over 200 years, he wanted to regular trade and discourse between the western world and Japan. The United States was interested in bringing back contact between Japan and the West. They wanted to regular trade in China and the annexation of California.
  • United States Purchases Alaska

    United States Purchases Alaska
    Willard Seward bought Alaska for 7.2 Million. This purchase ended Russian efforts to expand settlements, and trade in the Pacific Coast of North America. The Senate approved the Treaty of Purchase, and Presidents Andrew Johnson signed the Treaty.Alaska was then formally transferred to the United States. The U.S. wanted to buy Alaska because they wanted to simplify the map of North America and also block the British in Canada from further expansion.
  • U.S. Annexes Hawaii

    U.S. Annexes Hawaii
    The U.S. annexation of Hawaii allowed them to extend the U.S. territory into the pacific . This resulted from economic intergration and the rise of U.S. having power over the Pacific. Dole had sent a delegation to Washington in 1894 seeking this annexation, but Grover Cleveland, had opposed annexation and tried to restore the Queen. Dole declared Hawaii an independent republic. The annexation was passed and Dole had become the governor.
  • U.S. annexes Hawaii #2

    U.S. annexes Hawaii #2
    The U.S. wanted this to become more internationalistic and imperalistic. They also wanted to posess the strong Navy Base operations, and they also wanted Market access because Hawaii was a market stop and had great sugar.
  • Spanish-American War

    Spanish-American War
    The US declared war on the U.S. because the Spain would not support Cuba's wish to be a independent state against Spanish's rule. This ended in the U.S. acquisition of territories in the Western pacific and Latin America.President McKinley wanted to avert war and hoped to settle this Cuban question by peaceful means. This resulted in peace from the Treaty Of Paris. The United States and secured Cuba and end Revolutionary War that was damaging U.S. economic conflicts.
  • Open Door Policy With China

    Open Door Policy With China
    Sec. of State John Hay proposed a policy in order to create equal trade in all all nations to any ports open to trade in China. The United States gained the Phillipines, Hawaii, and Guam as a result of the Spanish-American War. This resulted in the U.S. becoming very interested in China, where the American textile manufactures found markets for cheap cotton goods. What did the Open Door Policy say or do?
  • U.S. Annexes the Philippines

    U.S. Annexes the Philippines
    The U.S. annexed the Philippines after a the dispute also known as bloody war with Spain. U.S. saw Philippines fighting against Spain and like them they were rebelling they had decided to step in and aid the lovely spirit of 1776. The treatment of the Natives was going against all government beliefs that the U.S. stood for, supplies and money were also President William McKinley had controlled all information coming from the Philippines. The U.S. had wanted Asia for their cultural goods.
  • Panama Canal

    Panama Canal
    From 1819 Panama was a part of federation and the country of Columbia. Columbia then told the United States no about the Plan to build a canal across Isthmus of Panama, the U.S then supported the Revolution that had led to the independence of Panama in 1903. The canal was opened to allow a direct line of transportation between Asia and Europe, thanks to Engineer Ferdinand de Lesseps. How much did it cost to build? Why did the US want to see the Panama Canal built.
  • Roosevelt Corollary part 1

    Roosevelt Corollary part 1
    The Roosevelt Corollary was a policy made out of fear and policy. President Monroe put forth the James Monroe Doctrine to end the European intervention in American Continents. This allowed American to have to have some independent governments. This then became known as the Roosevelt Corollary, Roosevelt asserted European Nations should definitely not come between countries in the South of the U.S. But under certain conditions U.S. intervention might be justified.
  • Roosevelt Corollary part 2

    Roosevelt Corollary part 2
    The U.S. is involved in this because they had great interest in the first canal arising in 1846 when Columbia and the USA had agreed upon a treaty that had declared the province of Columbia as nuetral territory. Roosevelt used "big stick diplomacy" to seize unprecedented executive power in handling international affairs. The Roosevelt Corollary allowed the U.S. to interfere with Latin American countries, only if the affairs or European countries were threatened.