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Motor Development in infancy

  • Newborn / 1 month infant

    Newborn / 1 month infant
    Although it seems that New born infants do not move during the first month. Newborn infants have a simple movement. For instant, they can move their leg and hands. They can chin up their head in a very limited scale. These simple movements are the beginning of motor development.
  • Period: to

    1 month

  • 2 to 3 months infant

    2 to 3 months infant
    Infants will start to move toward nonspecific directions. The movements include rolling over when they placed in their stomachs or backs and grasping when they pick up an object with their two hands and move it between their two hands. Grasping will be developed during the infancy.
  • Period: to

    2 to 3 months

  • 4 to 7 months

    4 to 7 months
    Three main motor developments include sitting without support after 5 months. The infants can move their hands and grab objects while they are sitting. Standing is another motor development which happens during 7 months. The infants can hold furniture or others to stand up. During the 8 months the infants grappling will be developed as they will grasp with thumb and finger instead of their hands.
  • Period: to

    4 to 7 months

  • 8 to 12 months infant

    8 to 12 months infant
    Crawling is one of the most obvious motor changes. The infants will start to crawl few months after being able to sit without support. As they need strong back, leg and hand muscles. The infants will move around on their hands and knees. It appears between 8 and 10 months. As their legs’ and backs’ muscles getting stronger the infants will stand up without any support at 11 months. They can start to walk few steps with support at 12 weeks. At the end of infancy they will be able to walk well.
  • Period: to

    8 to 12 months