Crouse hinds n2s n2sc control stations.jpg.thumb.319.319

motor controls timeline

  • Dec 1

    Dec 1
    WHAT: wire a push button to a light
    WHY: To uderstand how push buttons work
  • Dec 3

    WHAT a on button with a emergency off switch
    WHERE any machenery where a emergy stop is nessesary
  • Dec 6

    WHAT a push button to a light to turn it on
    WHERE can be used in something like a garage door
  • Dec 7

    WHAT ice cube relays wiring transformers to a switch connected to a relay and learning how to manipulate relays and 1-6 contacts and 2 coil screws
    WHY the relays will act as motors
  • Dec 9

    WHAT- 2 buttons one relay and one light
    sawyer wires light start to stop button
  • Dec 17

    WHAT2 buttons with stop button 2 relays with 2 lights
    WHERE a machine that needs to be acsessed from two diffrent locations
  • Jan 13

    WHAT two push buttons using holding contacts to keep the light on when the start button is pressed
    WHERE this can be used in most machines with push buttons to start and continue until you use the stop button.
  • Jan 14

    WHAT wire a relay with a push button using holding connections to turn on a light.
  • jan 15th

    WHAT Wire timed relay to a light with breaker.
    WHERE could be used in a garage with a hallway to time a light turning on.
  • Jan 16

    WHATwire 2 push buttons to a relay as a controll motor and to 2 lights that the push buttons are controlling.
  • Jan 22

    WHAT 1 talk about 11 pin off delays
    WHY to learn where they are used
  • Jan 23

    WHAT learn about more motor controlls
    WHY to learn how they are used and why
  • Jan 27

    WHAT talked and learned about autommation
    WHY to learn about robot in the work force
  • Jan 28

    WHAT wired and worked in drum switch on back wall
    WHY to learn about how drum switches and where they would be used