Middle Satges Of The American Revolution

  • Battle of Lexington and Concord

    The first shots of the American Revolution were fired here.
  • Battle of Buncker Hill

    In this battle the British suffered a loss of more than 1,000 men but with the Patriots having little amunition the British took both Buncker and Breeds hill.
  • Failed Siezure of Quebec Under Benedict Arnold

    The British 1,100 strong set out earlier in September to take Quebec, but by poorly charting their exspedition they lost all but 600 men and failed to siege Quebec City.
  • Common Sence Published

    Common Sence is a pamphlet written by Thomas Paine to fight for thier indepenance from Great Britain.
  • Meeting of the Second Continental Congress

    In this meeting the Declaration of Independance was written.
  • Adoption of the Declaration of Independance

    This declaration was written to show Great Britain how unfair they were to the colonists and to tell them that they were now and independant country.
  • Battle of Trenton

    In the Battle of Trenton, George Washingtin crossed the Delaware River to lead a suprise attack against the British in the town of Trenton.
  • Battle of Sarstoga

    In this battle the British General John Burgoyne and his men were defeated by George Washington and the colonial army.
  • Paoli Massacre

    General Washington sent General Anthony Wayne to monitor and harass as they moved toward Philadelphia. The British General Charles Grey led a suprise attack on the encamped Americans. Although there were few American casualties, there are claims that the British took no prisoners giving it the name, Paoli Massacre.
  • Washington's Encampment at Valley Forge

    Valley Forge, PA, is where the colonial Army Spent the winter of 1777-1778.