Mid Term reveiw timeline

  • Period: 146 to 323

    Alexander the Great: Hellenistic Culture

    the life of alexander the greatBC: Alexander the Great is from Macedonia. He conquers most of the world with a common culture- Hellenistic Culture- (macedonian + Greek + Persia cultures put together.)
  • Period: 206 to 221

    Qin Dynasty

    BC: created the great wall of China.
  • Period: 206 to 220

    Muslim trade routes

    Muslim trade routes connected Asia with the Mediterranean world. As they traveled, traders spread Muslim culture to Europe via the Levant, Sicily, and Spain. In Asia, they penetrated as far as China and India and journeyed over the ancient Silk Road. Muslim traders also traveled across northern Africa as far as Timbuktu.
  • 221

    Chinese civilization

    BC: China was one of the oldest empires ,and it begins around 221 BC.
  • Period: 221 to Mar 1, 1100

    Zhou dynasty: mandate od Heaven

    webBc: is a traditional Chinese philosophical concept concerning the legitimacy of rulers.
  • Period: 232 to

    Emperor Ashoka

    BC: also known as Ashoka the Great, was an Indian emperor of the Maurya Dynasty who ruled almost all of the Indian subcontinent
  • Period: 250 to

    Mayan Empires

    VideosAD: The Maya is a Mesoamerican civilization, noted for the only known fully developed written language of the pre-Columbian Americas, as well as for its art, architecture, and mathematical and astronomical systems.
  • Period: 250 to

    Mayan Geography

    Mayan infoThe Maya lived in the area in Central America which now consists of Yucatan, Guatemala, Belize and southern Mexico (the Chiapas and Tabasco provinces). This whole area lies south of the tropic of Cancer, and north of the equator, and is about 900 kilometers from north to south and 550 kilometers in the east-west direction.
  • Period: 256 to Mar 1, 1045

    Zhou Dynasty

    BC: It was the longest dynasty and created the Mandate of Heaven.
  • Period: 320 to 550

    India's Golden Age; Gupta

    BC: They offered free education; discoverd 7 planets and used algebra; medicine: set bones & plastic surgery, inoxulation, free hospitals.
  • Period: 322 to


    about himBC: investigated almost every feild of study know during his life time.
  • 330

    Rise of Constantinople

    When the Western Roman Emipre fell, Constantine got the eastern half and called it Constantinople.
  • Period: 400 to Mar 5, 1200

    Olmec Empire

    BC: The Olmec were the first major civilization in Mexico. They lived in the tropical lowlands of south-central Mexico, in the modern-day states of Veracruz and Tabasco.
  • Period: 400 to Mar 5, 1200

    Religion of Olmec

    BCE: Monument 19, from La Venta, the earliest known representation of a feathered serpent in Mesoamerica.
    Courtesy George & Audrey DeLange, used with permission. The religion of the Olmec people significantly influenced the social development and mythological world view ofMesoamerica. Scholars have seen echoes of Olmec supernaturals in the subsequent religions and mythologies of nearly all later pre-Columbian Mesoamerican cultures
  • Period: 400 to Mar 5, 1400

    Manoral System

    economic and social system of medieval Europe under which peasants' land tenure and production were regulated, and local justice and taxation were administered.
  • Period: 500 to


    monotheism infoBC: the belief in one God
  • Period: 500 to

    Empress Theodora

    infowas empress of the Roman (Byzantine) Empire and the wife of Emperor Justinian I. Like her husband, she is a saint in the Orthodox Church, commemorated on November 14. Theodora is perhaps the most influential and powerful woman in the Roman Empire's history.
  • Period: 527 to 565

    Justinian's Code

    the codesAD: all the Roman laws & laws education & news laws. created by Justinian.
  • Period: 546 to Dec 31, 1200


    Lydians infoBC: first to use coin money
  • Mar 2, 600

    Islamic Empire

    In the centuries after the life of Muhammad, Muslim armies poured out into all surrounding Areas, bringing the lands from Persia to Spain under their control.
  • Mar 2, 622


    CE: is the monotheistic religion articulated by the Qur'an, a text considered by its adherents to be the verbatim word of God
  • Mar 2, 632

    Sunni muslims

    sunni muslims"people of the tradition of Muhammad". Muslims should choose prophet.
  • Mar 2, 632


    shia"followers of Ali". Prophet should be a blood descendator of Muhammad.
  • Period: Mar 2, 661 to Mar 2, 750

    Medicine (Ibn Sina)

    AD:was a sort of universal genius, known first as a physician. To his works on medicine he afterward added religious tracts, poems, works on philosophy, on logic, as physics, on mathematics, and on astronomy. He was also a statesman and a soldier, and he is said to have died of debauchery.
  • Period: Mar 5, 742 to


    charlemagnewas King of the Franks from 768 and Emperor of the Romans from 800 to his death in 814.
  • Mar 2, 1041

    The printing press (invented)

    first printing pressThe printing press was invented in the Holy Roman Empire by the German Johannes Gutenberg in around 1440, based on existing screw presses
  • Mar 2, 1054

    Great schism

    CE: formally divided the State church of the Roman Empire into Eastern (Greek) and Western (Latin) branches, which later became known as the Eastern Orthodox Church and the Roman Catholic Church.
  • Period: Apr 22, 1073 to May 25, 1085

    Pope Gregory VII

    One of the great reforming popes, he is perhaps best known for the part he played in the Investiture Controversy, his dispute with Holy Roman Emperor Henry IV that affirmed the primacy of papal authority and the new canon law governing the election of the pope by the College of Cardinals. He was also at the forefront of developments in the relationship between the emperor and the papacy during the years before he became pope
  • Period: Apr 28, 1180 to


    hittitesBc. they used iron weapons
  • Mar 2, 1198


    is the capital city of the Italian region of Tuscany and of the province of Florence. I
  • Period: Mar 5, 1200 to Mar 5, 1572


    The Inca Empire, or Inka Empire was the largest empire in pre-Columbian America.
  • Mar 31, 1299

    Ottoman Empire

    video of ottman empireThe Ottoman Empire was one of the largest and longest lasting empires in history; such that the Ottoman State, its politics, conflicts, and cultural heritage in a vast geography provide one of the longest continuous narratives.
  • Mar 2, 1300


    Humanism is an approach in study, philosophy, world view or practice that focuses on human values and concerns, attaching prime importance to human rather than divine or supernatural matters.
  • Mar 2, 1300

    writings of Marco Polo

    teaching of marco polowas a Venetian merchant traveler[2][3] from the Venetian Republic whose travels are recorded in Il Milione, a book which did much to introduce Europeans to Central Asia and China.
  • Period: Mar 5, 1300 to Mar 5, 1500


    he Aztec people were certain ethnic groups of central Mexico, particularly those groups who spoke the Nahuatl language and who dominated large parts of Mesoamerica from the 14th to 16th centuries.
  • Period: Mar 2, 1371 to Mar 2, 1433

    Zheng He

    videowas a Hui-Chinese mariner, explorer, diplomat and fleet admiral, who commanded voyages to Southeast Asia, South Asia, the Middle East, East Africa, and the Horn of Africa collectively referred to as the Voyages of Zheng He or Voyages of Cheng Ho from 1405 to 1433.
  • Period: Mar 2, 1398 to Feb 3, 1468


    was a German blacksmith, goldsmith, printer, and publisher who introduced printing to Europe. His invention of mechanical movable type printing started the Printing Revolution and is widely regarded as the most important event of the modern period.
  • Period: Mar 2, 1400 to

    European exploration technology

    Some new tchnology during this time were: maps, sextant, hartman Astrolabe, compass, caravel.
  • Period: Mar 5, 1400 to


    were people at the service of Spanish Empire, or at the service of Portuguese Empire. Soldiers, explorers, and adventurers who explored extensive Earth areas and trade routes and brought much of the world under the control of Portugal and Spain in the 15th, 16th, and 17th centuries.
  • Period: Oct 31, 1451 to May 20, 1506

    Christopher Columbus

    was an explorer, colonizer, and navigator, born in the Republic of Genoa, in what is today northwestern Italy. Under the auspices of the Catholic Monarchs of Spain, he completed four voyages across the Atlantic Ocean that led to general European awareness of the American continents in the Western Hemisphere.
  • Period: Apr 15, 1452 to May 2, 1519

    leonardo da Vinci

    was an Italian Renaissance polymath: painter, sculptor, architect, musician, scientist, mathematician, engineer, inventor, anatomist, geologist, cartographer, botanist, and writer whose genius, perhaps more than that of any other figure, epitomized the Renaissance humanist ideal.
  • Mar 2, 1453

    Capture of Constantinople

    CE: was the capture of the capital of the Byzantine Empire, which occurred after a siege by the Ottoman Empire, under the command of 21-year-old Ottoman Sultan Mehmed II, against the defending army commanded by Byzantine Emperor Constantine XI. The siege lasted from Friday, 6 April 1453 until Tuesday, 29 May 1453 (according to the Julian Calendar), when the city was conquered by the Ottomans.
  • Period: Mar 2, 1469 to Dec 24, 1524

    Vasco Gama

    was a Portuguese explorer, one of the most successful in the Age of Discovery and the commander of the first ships to sail directly from Europe to India.
  • Period: Feb 19, 1473 to May 24, 1543


    was a Renaissance astronomer and the first person to formulate a comprehensive heliocentric cosmology which displaced the Earth from the center of the universe
  • Period: Mar 6, 1475 to Feb 18, 1564


    info on life and his artwas an Italian Renaissance sculptor, painter, architect, poet, and engineer who exerted an unparalleled influence on the development of Western art.
  • Period: Mar 2, 1480 to Apr 27, 1521

    Feramand Magellan

    Magellan's expedition of 1519–1522 became the first expedition to sail from the Atlantic Ocean into the Pacific Ocean (then named "peaceful sea" by Magellan; the passage being made via the Strait of Magellan), and the first to cross the Pacific.
  • Period: Nov 10, 1483 to Feb 18, 1546

    Martin Luther

    about himwas a German monk, priest, professor of theology and iconic figure of the Protestant Reformation.[1] He strongly disputed the claim that freedom from God's punishment for sin could be purchased with money
  • Period: Mar 2, 1492 to

    Columbian Exchange

    infoChartThe Columbian Exchange was a dramatically widespread exchange of animals, plants, culture, human populations (including slaves), communicable disease, and ideas between the Eastern and Western hemispheres.
  • Mar 2, 1500

    Protestant Reformation

    videowas a 16th-century split within Western Christianity initiated by Martin Luther, John Calvin and other early Protestants.
  • Period: Mar 2, 1561 to

    Samuel de Champlain

    "The Father of New France", was a French navigator, cartographer, draughtsman, soldier, explorer, geographer, ethnologist, diplomat, and chronicler. He founded New France and Quebec City on July 3, 1608
  • Period: Feb 15, 1564 to


    was an Italian physicist, mathematician, astronomer, and philosopher who played a major role in the Scientific Revolution. His achievements include improvements to the telescope and consequent astronomical observations and support for Copernicanism.
  • Period: Dec 27, 1571 to


    pic.a German mathematician, astronomer and astrologer. A key figure in the 17th century scientific revolution, he is best known for his eponymous laws of planetary motion,
  • Period: to

    Holy Roman Emperor (king Henry IV)

    When he ruled.He was the third emperor of the Salian dynasty and one of the most powerful and important figures of the 11th century. His reign was marked by the Investiture Controversy with the Papacy and several civil wars with pretenders to his throne in Italy and Germany.
  • Period: to


    was an English physicist, mathematician, astronomer, natural philosopher, alchemist, and theologian, who has been "considered by many to be the greatest and most influential scientist who ever lived."
  • Greek Polis

    BC: the basic unit of government (city-state)
  • Period: to

    James Cook

    james cookwas a British explorer, navigator and cartographer who ultimately rose to the rank of captain in the Royal Navy. Cook made detailed maps of Newfoundland.
  • Period: to

    Hammurabi's Code

    laws of Hammurabi's Code
    Hammurabis Code infoBC: it was the first set of written laws. The puinshments were harsh and most of the time ended with death.
  • Phoenician alphabet

    learn about the first alphabetBC: It' s the base for our alphabet.
  • Judaism

    BCE: monotheistic - is the religion, philosophy, and way of life of the Jewish people.
  • Period: to

    Augustus Caesar

    BC: First emperor of Roman Empire.
  • Christianity

    rise of christianity in romeAD: is a monotheistic religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus as presented in canonical gospels and other New Testament writings.
  • Period: to

    Julius Caesar

    videoBC: He played a critical role in the gradual transformation of the Roman Republic into the Roman Empire.
  • Buddhism

    buddhaBC: it started around 580 BC ans still around today. the founder is Siddharta Guatama. Buddha's teachings: reincarnation, four noble truths,and eightfold path.
  • Period: to

    Roman Republic

    info about roman republic for kids!BC: the form of govnment that we kinda use today.
  • Period: to


    BC: trained students to think for themself; he taught that education was the key to personal growth.
  • Period: to


    BC: founded the Academy, a special in Athens for teaching philosophy; human beings have 2 parts: body & soul: Theory of forms.
  • Period: to Mar 2, 1453

    Byzantine Empire

    WebsiteBC to AD: was the Eastern Roman Empire during the periods of Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages, centered on the capital of Constantinople.
  • Period: to Mar 5, 1500


    A peasant is an agricultural worker who generally works land owned or rented by/from a noble
  • Period: to Mar 5, 1200

    Feudal Monarchies

    A series of contractual relationships between the upper classes, designed to maintain control over land. As part of the feudal agreement, the lord promised to protect the vassal and provided the vassal with a plot of land. This land could be passed on to the vassal's heirs, giving the vassal tenure over the land. The vassal was also vested with the power to lease the land to others for profit, a practice known as subinfeudation. The entire agreement was called a fief, and a lord's collection of
  • Period: to Mar 5, 1400


    Videowas a set of legal and military customs in medieval Europe that flourished between the 9th and 15th centuries, which, broadly defined, was a system for structuring society around relationships derived from the holding of land in exchange for service or labour.
  • Period: to Mar 5, 1500

    Churchs in the medieval society

    The role the Church playedThe Medieval Church played a far greater role in Medieval England than the Church does today. In Medieval England, the Church dominated everybody's life. All Medieval people - be they village peasants or towns people - believed that God, Heaven and Hell all existed. From the very earliest of ages, the people were taught that the only way they could get to Heaven was if the Roman Catholic Church let them. Everybody would have been terrified of Hell and the people would have been told of the sheer
  • hieroglyphics

    Hieroglyphic chartBC: they are signs,pictures, and symbols that represent things.
  • Relationship of religion and political authority in Ancient Egypt: Pharoh

    BC: Menes: the first Pharoh of Ancient Egypt.
  • Hinduism

    learn about...hinduism!
    BC: it begin around 4000 BC and founded by Brahmin. Key beliefs: no predestination, all the gods are mercly aspects of a single god, karma, and reincarnation.
  • Period: to


    summeriansBC: There type of writing is called cuneiform (pressed marks into clay). They made some inventions: the arch and Ziggurat.