
Microcopes and Cell Theroy Advancement

  • The First Compound Microscope

    The First Compound Microscope
    In 1595, Jansen was created for constructing the first compound microscope.
  • Hooke's Micrographia

    Hooke's Micrographia
    In 1665, Hooke published the book Micrographia. Micrographia explained how Hooke creatd a compound microscope and used it to study cells sych as bryozoans and foraminferia. The book can be found at:
  • First Observed Cell

    First Observed Cell
    In 1678 Leeuwenhook reported that he observed the protoza through his microscope. This made people realize that there are other living organisms that the ones that we can see. He also discovered parasitic protists, sperm cells, blood cells and more.
  • Achromatic Lenses

    Achromatic Lenses
    In 1823 Achromatic lenses where introduced to scienctist making it possible for them to see 1/1000 if a millimeter. This lead to them being capable of seeing more cells and bacterias.
  • Cell Nucleous in Cells of the Orchid

    Cell Nucleous in Cells of the Orchid
    In 1833, Brown shared his description of the cell nucleous in the cells of the orchid.
  • Theodor Schwann's Book

    Theodor Schwann's Book
    In 1839, Theodor Schwann published the book, "Microscopic Investigations on the Accordance in the Structure and Growth of Plants and Animals" which told people his theory that all living organisms are made up of cells. The idea of the book came from a discusion he had had the night before with Matthais Jakob Schleiden.
  • Micrographs

    In 1840, Donne' proposed the first micrographs in France. A micrograph is a picture or image taken from a microscope.
  • Albrecht von Roelliker

    Albrecht von Roelliker
    In 1840, Albrecht von Roelliker discovered that sprem and eggs are cells too.
  • Omnis Cellula e Cellula

    Omnis Cellula e Cellula
    In 1858, Rudolf Virchow shared his conclusion, omnis cellula e cellula, which means cells develope from only other existing cells.
  • Ernest Abbe

    Ernest Abbe
    In 1873, Ernest Abbe published his theory of microscopes. In his theory he made clear that he did not aprove of using eye pieces with too high magnification because they could distort cells.
  • The Revolving Mount(Turret)

    The Revolving Mount(Turret)
    In 1873, Ernst Leitz introduced a microscope with a turret, or revolving mount, in order to study five different samples without removing and replacing slides.
  • Homogeneous Optical Path

    Homogeneous Optical Path
    In 1878, oil immersion lenses where introduced which resulted in the discovery of homogeneous optical paths.
  • Mitosis

    In 1879, Walther Flemming discovered mitosis using the five slide microscope. This perticular microscope helped him because he was easily able to compare five different slides at once.
  • Microscope Lamp with Filters

    Microscope Lamp with Filters
    In 1880, August Kohler invented lmaps with filters for microscioes making the image of the cell more clear because the microscope itself is providing the light.
  • Apochromatic Objective

    Apochromatic Objective
    Ernst Abbe invented the apochromatic objective in order for reds, blues, and yellows into focus with cells that have ten or less elements.
  • UV Microscope

    UV Microscope
    In 1904, the first commercial UV microscope was invented by Zeiss based off Abbe's formula.
  • Unstained Cells

    Unstained Cells
    In 1930, Fritz Zernik found out that he could see unstained cells using the phase angles of rays.
  • Electron Microscope

    Electron Microscope
    In 1931, the first electron microscope was built by Max Knoll and Ernst Ruska.
  • The Market

    The Market
    Despite the fact that the microscope came out over 100 years ago, it wasn't until 1941 when the first commercial micrscope was put on the market.
  • Mice

    In 1998, mice were cloned from somatic cells. This was the first step towards the cloning of animals and the study of cloning humans.
  • Learning

    All of the events in this timeline give my classmates and I the oppertunity to learn about cells, bacteria, DNA, single celled organisms, cloning, and more.