Germ theory

The history of the Germ Theory of Disease

  • Auton van Leeuwenhoek

    Auton van Leeuwenhoek
    Anton van leeuwenhoek was an amateur scientist. H estarted off making very simple microscopes. But only became discovered in looking through them after readaing hooke's book on Micrographia. He could magnify objects over 200times. He'd look at drops of water. And examinded scrapings form his teeth and found evidence of moving objects (animalcules)
  • Period: to

    the history of germ and disease

  • Robert Hooke

    Robert Hooke
    The late 17th century was a period of great scientific discoverys by many scientist inculding Robert hooke. In his twenties he wrote a book of all his discoveries, such as the life cycle of mosquitoes, the craters in the moon, and fossils. He's most famous for a simiple observation he made that lasted for over 200 hundred years when he tooko a bottle cork and cut it open, then took small slices of it observed the shape of it under a microscope. he called those cells or in other words rooms.
  • Mathhias Jakob Schleiden

    Mathhias was a trianed lawer, but shortly left the law field to become a professer of botany. He had preffered to use microscopes to study plant life unlike most botany scientists,
  • Karl Theodor Ernst von Siebold

    in 1845, Karl suggested that microbes were lso made up of cells or more spcifically one sell. Infact he velieved that organisims made up of many cells, like animals, were built out of single-celled microbes.he stated that microbes were living creatures made up of materiels such as animals and plants.
  • Theodor Schwann

    Theodor Schwann
    Schwann spent his time studying animals. he was particularlyintreste in the digestive system. in 1839 he proposed that animals, and not just animals were made of cells. schlieden and schwann created a theory that all living organsims are made up cells.
  • Ignaz Phillip Semmelweiss

    in the 1840's many pregnant women often died form a disese called childbed fever. Dr.Semmelweiss noticed the doctors studing them and they had just completed a autotopsy. He believed that doctors were spreading this diesease form patient to patient. He discovered that washing your hands after each patient reduced the death rate form 12% to 1%.
  • Florence Nightingale

    lorence was an english nirse that had publised her ideas on disease in1860. at the time cleaniness was mportant in peventing disease.she was the first to orginie the value of cleaniness
  • Rudolf carl Virchow

    Rudolf was a polish doctor. He studied his patients and the way he treated them. and been studing ill patients such as disease. His famous saying in the 1050's "all cells arise form cells" and sure enough he was right.When you see a new plant or a baby animal you see multicelluar creatures. the cells of some living organisms like people continue to divide and grow, and adult human is made uo of 10 tirllion cells.
  • Louis Pateur

    Louis was a french chemist that had begain studying microbes in 1864. He worked at an important business at france, in the fermetation of wine and vinegar. He noticed that certian microbe cause foods and drinks to becasue of his work milk must be frigerated at 71celcius to keep from spoiling. he also discoverd the silk worms, and also the germ theory today.
  • Robert Koch

    in 1876 robert a german doctor identified the microbe that caused anthrax, an infection disease that was killing cattle. he did all of his work in a four roomed apartment with his wife. he devolped a way to prove a specific microbe that casued a particular disease. he injected healthy mice with the blood taken from farm animals and none of the mice showed any effect. he coul isolateanthrax microbes only form the mice. he also created new ways to grow cultures of uncontamintes microbes.