Cell theory

Lia's Cell Theory Timeline

  • Zacharias Jansen Invents The Microscope (compound)

    Zacharias Jansen Invents The Microscope (compound)
    Jansen produced the first compound microscope by combining two convex lenses within a tube. Jansen's invention starts the innovative journey of more scientific discoveries that eventually leads to the development of Cell Theory.
  • Aristotle Classifies All Living Matter Into Two Categories: Plants and Animals

    Aristotle Classifies All Living Matter Into Two Categories: Plants and Animals
    Aristotle had an illogical theory that living organisms can arise spontaneously from nonliving matter but there was nothing in these days to prove him wrong until technology was advanced to determine the truth so this is what people believed.
  • Jan Baptist van Helmont Creates The "Recipe For Mice"

    Jan Baptist van Helmont Creates The "Recipe For Mice"
    Van Helmont's recipe states that mixing dirty clothing with wheat grains will produce mice after twenty-one days. This idea was believed for a while until scientists discovered information that defied its logic.
  • Robert Hooke Discovers The Cellular Compostition Of Cork And Introduces The Word Cell To Science

    Robert Hooke Discovers The Cellular Compostition Of Cork And Introduces The Word Cell To Science
    Hooke discovered cells using a very primitive microscope. He discovered cells by looking at a cork under the microscope. The shape of the cells in the cork reminded him of the monk monasteries and so he dubbed them "cells."
  • Anton van Leeuwenhoek Improved The Magnification Of Microscopes By Polishing Lenses

    Anton van Leeuwenhoek Improved The Magnification Of Microscopes By Polishing Lenses
    Leeuwenhoek was a microsope builder who had a large contribution in the development of cell theory as you will see as you move through this timeline.
  • Leeuwenhoek Discovers "Animacules"

    Leeuwenhoek Discovers "Animacules"
    Leeuwenhoek's "Animacules" are microscopic animals.
  • Leeuwenhoek Discovers Bacteria

    Leeuwenhoek Discovers Bacteria
    Leeuwenhoek discovers this bacteria from a sample of saliva from his mouth.
  • Lorenz Oken Elaborates Wolfgnag von Goeth's theory

    Lorenz Oken Elaborates Wolfgnag von Goeth's theory
    Oken elaborated Wolfgang von Goethe’s theory that the vertebrate skull formed gradually from the fusion of vertebrae. Although the theory was later disproved, it helped prepare a receptive atmosphere for Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution.
  • Robert Brown Develops "Brownian Motion"

    Robert Brown Develops "Brownian Motion"
    When Robert Brown was viewing grains of pollen through a microscope he noticed that they were all shaking and moving slightly. He hypothesized that the pollen must be alive. He then observed dust particles under the microscope and noticed the same thing. This ruled out the hypothesis. Although Brown didn't give a theory for the motion, it was still dubbed "Brownian Motion"
  • Theodore Schwann Discovers That All Animals Are Made Of Cells

    Theodore Schwann Discovers That All Animals Are Made Of Cells
    Schwann, based on his own work, argued that all organisms contained cells. He stated what came to be known as cell theory: All organisms are composed of 1 or more cells.
  • Albert con Kolliker Founds The Journal Of Scientific Zoology

    Albert con Kolliker Founds The Journal Of Scientific Zoology
    Kolliker’s investigations covered such diverse subjects as the development of cephalopods, the structure of smooth muscles, the development and differentiation of red blood cells, and the significance of the germ layers in development.
  • Rudolf Virchow States That All Living Things Come From Other Living Things

    Rudolf Virchow States That All Living Things Come From Other Living Things
    Rudolf was one of the first to agree with Robert Remack's theory of cell devision. At first Rudolf thought that the theory only applied to certain cells, but upon the realization that Remack might be correct, he plagerized the work and created the epigram, "every cell originates from another existing cell like it."
  • Louis Pasteur Develops The Use Of Pasteurization

    Louis Pasteur Develops The Use Of Pasteurization
    Pasteur's realized that wine turns bitter because of microbes that enter the wine while it is being made. Pasteur's use of Pasteurization showed that applying a controlled amount of heat could kill the microbes without changing the flavor of the wine. He later used this method to preserve food, milk, and beer.
  • Mathias Shleiden Discovers That Plants Are Made Up Of Cells

    Mathias Shleiden Discovers That Plants Are Made Up Of Cells
    Shlieden compared his work with Theodore Schwann after his discovery. They noticed that in young cells there were neuclei, and then from more observation they concluded that new cells come from the nucleus.