
Michael Jordan Timeline

  • Michael Jordan Birth Date

    Michael Jordan Birth Date
    Michael Jordan was born in Brooklyn, New York to James Jordan Sr and Deloris Jordan. He had 4 siblings Larry, Deloris Jr, James Jr, Roslyn Jordan
  • Period: to

    Michael Jordan Early Life

    This timeline will display the events that have taken place in Michael Jordan's early life.
  • Early Life

    Early Life
    As a child, Michael grew up in Wilmington, North Carolina. When Michel was a young child he always showed a winning mindset that would prove useful in the near future.
  • High School Varsity

    High School Varsity
    Widely believed that he was cut from his varsity team a 5"10 sophomore MJ tried out for his high school varsity team. However he couldn't dunk and wasn't very good at the sport and was passed on in favor of his 6"7 friend Leroy Smith. He was instead placed on junior varsity which motivated him to do better.
  • MJ College

    Michael Jordan attended The University of North Carolina for 3 years playing 3 seasons until he dropped out to pursue professional basketball. He came back to school in 1986 to finish college and get his Bachelor of Arts degree in cultural geography.
  • NBA

    After dropping out a 22-year-old Michael Jordan was drafted to the Chicago Bulls from 1984–1993 and from 1995–1998.
  • James Jordan Sr DIes

    James Jordan Sr DIes
    On July 23, 1993, James (James with his son seen on the right) was sleeping in his car and was killed by Daniel Green a former classmate of his, (Left)
  • Retirement

    On October 6, 1993, Michael Jordan announced he would be retiring from the NBA this of course wouldn't last long. His retirement is widely believed to be related to his gambling addiction.
  • Return/Redemption

    On September 25, 2001, Michael Jordan informed the public that he would be returning to the NBA. In the Washington Wizards
  • GOAT Status

    GOAT Status
    Michael Jordan was awarded the title of Greatest Basketball player of All-time reward and was placed in the Hall of Fame on Sept. 11, 2009.
  • Michael Jordan buys a NBA Franchise/Team

    Michael Jordan buys a NBA Franchise/Team
    In 2010 MJ Bought the Charlotte Bobcats (now Hornets) for $275 million, now the team is worth $1.3 billion which isn't a lot in the NBA. The Charlotte Hornets franchise has the 5th lowest value.