Medical Technology

  • Telehealth Dr. visits

    Telehealth Dr. visits
    Telehealth Dr. visits is a way you can get in contact with your doctor through the telephone. The doctors on the phone will help you give information and will tell you what you need to do if something is going wrong. Alexander Graham Bell invented this because he made a phone call to his assistant because he spilt acid on himself.
  • Anti-smoking Laws

    Anti-smoking Laws
    Arizona was the first state that banned federal smoking in public places. In 1987, there was a poll and 55% of adults voted on banning smoking in public places. Anti-smoking laws are made because when people smoke it is affecting their health and its also making the environment worse.
  • 3D Printing Body Parts

    3D Printing Body Parts
    Chuck Hull is the co-founder, executive vice president and chief technology officer of 3D Systems. He is the inventor of the solid imaging process known as stereolithography (3D Printing), the first commercial rapid prototyping technology, and the STL file format.
  • Robotic Surgery

    Robotic Surgery
    AESOP system produced by Computer Motion became the first system approved by the Food and Drug Adiministration for its endoscopic surgical procedure. In 2000, this became the new ground by becoming the first robotic surgery system approved by for general laparoscopic surgery. They mainly did this because sometimes surgeries can be more spot on and percise by using the robotic system.
  • Human Genome Project

    Human Genome Project
    Human Genome Project studies the similarities and differences between human genes and those of other organisms, researchers can discover the functions of particular genes and identify which genes are critical for life. Aristides Patrinos succeeded Galas and Francis Collins succeeded James Watson
  • Bionic Prosthetic

    Bionic Prosthetic
    The Bionic prosthetic was first used for a pioneering operation. Robert was given the worlds first bionic arm. The prosthetic was created by a team of five bio-engineers at the Margaret Rose Hospital in Edinburgh, UK, while the surgical team was led by Dr David Gow.
  • Stem Cells

    Stem Cells
    Stem cells are made because it helps repair and replace worn out and damaged tissues. A team at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, led by James Thomson and Jeffrey Jones, reports the creation of the first batch of human embryonic stem cells, which they derived from early embryos
  • Facial Transplant

    Facial Transplant
    The world's first partial face transplant on a living human by Bernard Devauchelle, an oral and maxillofacial surgeon, Benoit Lengelé, a Belgian plastic surgeon, and Jean-Michel Dubernard in Amiens, France. This is a great way to improve on medicine because people who want a chance to look different in a totally new way can.
  • Immunotherapy for Cancer Treatment

    Immunotherapy for Cancer Treatment
    Immunotherapy for cancer was made to help fight and get rid of cancer cells in a more advanced way of melanoma. Called talimogene laherparepvec, and made by Amgen. This is an oncolytic virus therapy. Opdivo is the first immunotherapy agent approved for the treatment of lung cancer.
  • Artificial Pancreas

    Artificial Pancreas
    Dana Lewis created his to help people with type 1 diabetes. The FDA supports and fosters medical device innovation as it upholds its mission of ensuring that medical devices are safe and effective