Media Timeline

By emyers0
  • Compu-Serv Network was invented

    Compu-Serv was the first major internet provider in the United States. It used 'dial-up' technology to run. Jeffrey Wilkins is credited as the first president of the company, although a man named John Goltz technically was.
  • The first email was sent

    Ray Tomlinson is credited with completing this task. The first email was sent across the distance of one meter from one computer to another sitting right next to it. Tomlinson is also responsible for the popularity in the use of the '@' symbol and using email addresses to identify the sender and receiver of an email.
  • Prodigy was founded

    Prodigy was an online service provider that became one of the largest providers in the US, second only to CompuServ.
  • AOL Instant Messenger (AIM) was introduced

    This online chat system was founded by America Online (AOL) and allowed registered users to communicate with each other in 'real time.'
  • Blogging became popular

    Off to a slow start, blogging was becoming more and more popular, especially with the invention of websites such as Open Diary and
  • Friendster was opened to the public

    Friendster is known as the original social networking system. It was founded by Jonathan Abrams and it allowed members to contact and share content with other members. However, in June 2011 Friendster was relaunched and is now a social gaming site that has become very popular in many Asian countries.
  • YouTube was created

    YouTube is a website on which users can upload, view, and share videos. It was founded by Chad Hurley, Steve Chem, and Jawed Karim.
  • Twitter was launched

    Twitter is another social networking site that allows users to read and write microblogs called "tweets." It ws created by Jack Dorsey and rapidly grew in popularity.
  • Dropbox was released

    Dropbox is a file-hosting service that allows users to maintain files on several different devices. It has cloud storage and fil synchronization. Its founder is Drew Houston.
  • Apple released the iPad tablet

    The first generation iPad was officially released in April. However, after Steve Jobs announced the upcoming release in January, the demand was so high that Apple began taking pre-orders for it on March 12th.