Meat Packing Project By: Amara Cisse

  • Inspection Laws

    This was so that meat could be checked and also so inspectors could see in the meat is safe and being processed correctly.
  • Meat packing Union going on strike

    They wanted to fight to get better wages for work and also so they could work in better conditions so that they are safe but also so the meat that is being processed is safe.
  • Pure Food Act (PFA)

    So that the food being processed could have the right ingredients and also safe ingredients so that the people that these meats are being produced to are safe.
  • The book " THE JUNGLE "

    Told a tragic story about how the meat packing industry was not safe and also how they where runned by greedy buisness people who didn't care about the workers but only cared about the money they earned from there businesses.
  • The horrific Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire

    This brought attention to many legislators and politicans making them realize the factories where dangerous and also there needed to be a change.
  • Progressive Party

    Roosevelt included the tragedies of meat packing factories and also how he would help fix these probelms when he became president.
  • Wrkingsmen Compenstion Act

    This was to help workers get better financial assistance and this will result in workers keeping our meat safe but also the people that process it.
  • " Killing Gangs "

    This was a groups of different people that where influenced by meat packing factories to go out and kill animals but also these killings gangs only killed the animals and didn't know if the animals had a desisease or something.