Maya, Inca, and Aztec Empires

  • Period: 13,000 BCE to 7000 BCE

    Humans cross land bridge between Asia and North America

  • 5000 BCE

    Corn domesticated

  • Period: 2000 BCE to 900

    Maya Civilization (invented calendars, clocks; numeric system including zero)

  • 1000

    Lief Erikson goes to Canada

  • 1325

    Aztecs found Tenochtitlan

  • Period: 1325 to 1521

    Aztec empire (very successful warriors; extraordinary system of farming with island-like farm plots floating around city)

  • Period: 1400 to 1532

    Inca Empire (amazing architects and builders, including Machu Picchu; transported freshwater across long distances)

  • Period: 1425 to 1475

    Mechanical clocks invented in Europe (time approximate)

  • 1492

    Christopher Columbus reaches Americas (Bahamas)

  • 1521

    Hernando Cortes conquers Aztec (effort to defeat Montezuma was aided by non-native illnesses, superior weaponry, and anger of defeated peoples)

  • Period: 1532 to 1533

    Francisco Pizarro conquers Inca

  • 1582

    Georgian calendar in the West

  • First successful English settlement in the Americas (Jamestown)