Matched by: Ally Condie-Fiction-366

  • Pages read: 1-42

    This book starts off with the character, Cassia, going to her Match banquet for her 17th birthday. She is very excited about it but also very nervous. But, she finds out that her Match is her best friend and the boy of dreams named Xander. She is very happy to know that she will be spending the rest of her life with him. Until she goes to read his file that she received. When she plays it, she sees that her Match came up as someone else named Ky. Cassia is now so confused and worried about this.
  • Pages read: 43-79

    When Cassia sees Ky's face on the screen, she is shocked. But, the government explains to her that all is okay and that it was just a mix up which made her feel relieved. So, Cassia continues to spend time with Xander, but she also sees Ky at different times which she feels is a little strange. Then, Cassia's grandfather is getting ready to die so she and her family spend time with him until he does. He leaves her a poem, but it is also a message to only her.
  • Pages read: 80-120

    When Cassia receives the poem from her grandfather, she is anxious to read it and know his message to her. Soon, Cassia is getting ready to go on a hike since she never has before. When she stops to read the poem from her grandfather (during the hike) she is trying to figure out his message, When she reaches the top of the mountain from the hike, she sees Ky up their first and they talk for a bit. Cassia is starting to realize that she wants to know more about Ky because she is a bit fond of him