Mass Media Timeline

  • 1400


    Although invented in the 1400's, the newspaper didn't start gaining mass popularity till 1855. The newspaper really took off once reporters started using the telegraph as a way to get new information to their newspapers.
  • Magazines

    Invented in 1663 in Germany, magazines didn't become popular till the end of the 18th century. During that time in the US their were over 100 different types of magazines in circulation.
  • Telegraph

    The telegraph was the first communicational instrument that could transmit messages, electronically, from one place to another.
  • Radio

    The radio wasn't popularized until after WWI. In the 1920's radios soon began popping up in every household around the world. They would be used to broadcast breaking news to the population.
  • Television

    Although invented in 1927, television didn't start gradually becoming popular until after 1949. People started using television as their new main source of information. Which is why video killed the radio star.
  • Internet

    The internet was created in 1957 as a weapon for the cold war. Since then it has been evolving and in the 1990's it started becoming an information hub that anyone can access. The internet today is still growing and is currently being used by 1/3 of the worlds population.
  • Social Media

    Social Media
    The first ever social media website was invented in 1997. Since then we have seen the social network explode and become a force to be reckoned with. Today, social media is more important then ever. 67% of adults claim to get a portion of their news from a Social network site.