Authorvisits hahn1

Mary Downing Hahn

By SD13423
  • Mary Downing Hahn was born.

    Mary Downing Hahn was born.
    extra info picture link She had blonde hair. As a little kid she has always loved
    writing and reading! even in pre school!
  • Period: to

    mary downing hahn

  • As a young child she told stories through drawing pictures.

    As a young child she told stories through drawing pictures.
    extra infopicture link She has written over 1 million stories. When she was little she wrote and drew alot! She would draw pictures before she knew how to write.
  • In pre school she loved reading... But hated writing!

    In pre school she loved reading... But hated writing!
    extra info picture link She loved writing books as a small child! When she was in school she drew pictures instead of writing. As she got lder she decided to write her first story.
  • By junior high, she wrote her first story called, Small Town Life

  • She was a children's librarian before she decided to write

    She was a children's librarian before she decided to write
    picture link She loved working in the library and seeing all of the students! From a young age she loved books. When she was a librarian she quit her job to become a writer.
  • She started averaging one book a year

    She started averaging one book a year
    extra infopicture link I have read this book... and one called all the lovely bad ones. I absolutley loved them! I couldnt put them down! i look forward to reading more books by her.
  • She has sold more than 2 million coppies.

  • Extra Credit (read description)

    Extra Credit (read description)
    I read mary downing hahn's book called all the lovely bad ones. Last year for my english class i had to do a report on it and explain it in front of the class. I loved the book. I think it was the best book i ever read. This made me want to read all of her books!
  • She is still alive today and is selling even more books

    She is still alive today and is selling even more books
    extra infopicture link Even at an old age she still loves to write, and draw. she will continue to do that until she dies.