martin luther king Jr.

By wiejak
  • king born

    king born
    king born in Atlanta, Georgia
  • Period: to

    king born to death

  • gets married

    gets married
    king Jr. gets married to Coretta Scott
  • segregation public

    segregation public
    segregation in public schools
  • Denise king born

    Denise king born
    montgomery bus boycott
  • chosen conference president

    chosen conference president
    king conference president
  • the first sit-in

    the first sit-in
    the first sit-in greensboro
  • Albay protest

    Albay protest
    Albay protest movement
  • "i have a dream"

    "i have a dream"
    "I HAVE A DREAM" speech at washington
  • Nobel peace

    Nobel peace
    king gets Nobel Peace Prize
  • voting law

    voting law
    voating rights is a law
  • assassinated

    Dr. King assassinated