
Martin Luther

  • Nov 10, 1483


    Martin Luther was born in Eisleben, Germany. He was born with the last name of Luder, but changed it to Luther. Luther was the son of Hans and Margaret Luther. after his birth he moved to Mansfield where he spent a lot of his life (
  • Aug 3, 1492

    Columbus Sets Sail.

    Columbus Sets Sail.
    Columbus sailed from Palos. He took the Nina the Pinta, and the Santa Maria.He was in search to find a sea route to china. the first land Columbus hit was in the bahamas (Grun 217)
  • Sep 21, 1492

    Da Vinci's flying machine.

    Da Vinci's flying machine.
    Leonardo Da Vinci created a painting of a flying machine. He was interested in flight.He drew many devices from the future. there was never an attempt to make one (Grun 217)
  • Apr 27, 1497


    Bachus was Michelangelo's first masterpiece. It was a sculpture of a child and ma standing back to back which was Bacchus. It was sculpted in Louvre. Bacchus was a Roman God. (Grun 221)
  • Jun 21, 1500

    Inca Empire at its Height

    Inca Empire at its Height
    They had a large portion of Western South America during this time. At its height the Inca Empire was the largest nation on Earth and remains the largest native state to have existed on the western hemisphere. The Inca were a very conquering society. (Crystal Links)
  • Dec 20, 1500

    Italian Renaissance

    Italian Renaissance
    It was Declared the Rebirth of Italy. It was an advance in culture learning and literature. this marked the end of the middle ages. this period had a wide variety of achievements in Italy. (the life and legacy of the Italian renaissance)
  • Jul 2, 1505

    Severe Thunderstorm

    Severe Thunderstorm
    Martin was cuaght in a severe thunderstorm in which he was flung to the ground in terror. Suddenly he vowed that he would become a monk if he survived. Luther kept his promise and became a monk(Byers 48-51)
  • Nov 11, 1505

    Personal Crisis

    Personal Crisis
    Martin was having anxieties about sin and his own salvation. The more he tried to do for God the more he realized his sinfulness. Luther had struggle to find peace with God (Martin Luther).
  • Jan 29, 1507

    Ordained a Prriest

    Ordained a Prriest
    Luther was ordained a priest in Erfurt. He then started studying Theology at the University of Erfurt. Luther learned about humanists and took there slogan to heart "Ad Fontes". This means back to the source. To Luther this meant to get to the origanal sources of the Bible. (
  • Dec 1, 1507

    Criticization of Eck

    Criticization of Eck
    The Dominicans were outraged because Luther wrote theses that criticized Eck, the divine spirit personally. There were proceedings against Luther that moved forward in Rome. These proceedings tried toget him out of Europe (
  • Sep 23, 1508

    Sistine Chapel

    Sistine Chapel
    Michelangelo started the Sistine chapel. It is the most famous of his frescoes. The chapel's painting cover 12,000 square feet.(Rome's sistine Chapel: 50 facts)
  • Dec 20, 1515

    End of Crisis

    End of Crisis
    Luther came out of his crisis when staupitz told him to just love God. Instead of worrying about his salvation. Luther then worried about Christ, and trying to live the best he could. (Byers 48-51)
  • Dec 23, 1517

    95 theses

    95 theses
    The 95 theses were the beliefs a Human's relationship to God. They question the corrupt practice selling of indulgences. The theses stated that the bible was the only holy sacred thing.(
  • Oct 19, 1521


    Pope Leo excommunicated Luther. He was excommunicated because of his remarks through the 95 theses. His words made relgious reformers furious across Europe (
  • Dec 19, 1521

    confrontation at worms

    confrontation at worms
    Three months after his excommunication Luther went to Worms to defend his beliefs. Martin was extremely defiant. he was declared an outlaw, because he didnt recant his writings (
  • May 20, 1525

    Martin Luther's Marriage

    Martin Luther's Marriage
    Martin got married to Katherine von Bora.They met when Martin was escaping 12 nuns, one of them was her, from a convent. Together they had six children. (Reformation tours)
  • Apr 27, 1546


    He was struggling from old age. Martin also had some diseases like kidney and bladder stones. He preached four sermons on his last hours. His last words were " If i make it home to Wittenburg, i will lay myself in my coffin and let the maggots feast on the stout doctor."(Martin Luther's last words and final thoughts)