Martin luther 2

Martin Luther

By jjeuro
  • Nov 10, 1483


    Martin Luther was born on Nov. 10th Eisleben, Germany to a peasent family.
  • Period: Nov 10, 1483 to Dec 31, 1522

    martin luthers rebellion against the church

  • Sep 1, 1502


    Martin Luther enrolled at the university of Erfurt where he earned a bachelor's degree in liberal arts. His father wanted him to study law.
  • Aug 11, 1505

    Becoming a monk

    Becoming a monk
    Became a master of liberal arts but due to his fathers wishes he continued to study law. However he vowed to become a monk after he was spared from a ferious thunderstorm, which went against his fathers ideals.
  • Dec 9, 1512


    Martin Luther recieved his doctorarte and became a pofessor in thrological faculty at the university of Wittenburg lecturing about the Bible.
  • Aug 16, 1513


    Luther found flaws in the Church's philosophy and he found that humans were to weak to reach salvation by goood works. This helped him to create the foundation for the protastant reformation. According to Luther he feels that "the justice of god" gave people salvation not because of good works but through the sacrafice on the cross
  • May 27, 1517


    Pope Leo X issued a special jubilee to finance the ongoing construction of St. Peter's Basilica, this was conect to political affairs in Germany.
  • Oct 10, 1517

    95 theses

    Luther's response to the selling of indulgences was his creatation of the 95 theses. However, the pope did not take them seriously, he believed that Luther was a drunken German who will amend his ways once he has sobered up. At the same time printing devolped and the 95 theses were spread across Germany in German.
  • Oct 10, 1519

    The Leipzig Debate

    Luther's opponate Johann Eck a catholic theologan forced Luther to move beyond indulgences and deny the authority of popes and councils. In effect Luther was compelled to see the conseqneces of his new theology.
  • Feb 1, 1520

    Denying the authority of the Church

    Luther renounced the Church, and he believed that he was doing the work of God, regardless of the consequences that would follow.
  • Oct 10, 1520

    the 3 pamphlets

    Luther published three pamphlets with the intention to definately break away from the church. They were adressed to the noblity of the German nation, they were written in German.
  • Feb 21, 1521


    Luther is excommunicated from the Church because of his teachings.
  • May 3, 1521

    The Diet at Worms

    Luther goes against the Holy Roman Emperor Charles V, and refuses to recant his beliefs
  • Dec 16, 1522

    Lutheranism takes flight

    Luther beings to create his reformed church, and Anti roman catholic propaganda begins to circulate. Nuremberg is the first city to be comverted to Lutheranism and Luther begins to be challenged to become more radical to lead the Peasant's War.