Flow of Life According to Erikson

  • Pre-puberty

    Talesha is challenging her peers personally and academically, however feels shame when she does not measure up. In Erikson’s fourth stage of Industry Vs. Inferiority
    The new awareness of concepts and facts motivates her to test her abilities, however the challenge for her is how to shake off the feeling of inferiority when things don't pan out the way she expected.
  • Marriage

    Jason (31)and Talesha (23) decided that they wanted to share their rest of their lives and themselves with each
    Erikson’s fifth stage, intimacy versus isolation
    D. the crisis is between becoming too close to someone in a
    committed relationships, or risk not being committed to
    relationship at all.
  • The Homemaker (post Emerging Adult)

    Talesha has been married for 37 years, during which she raised a family. Sandy looks back and remembers aspirations of her own, and has no regrets. Now is time for her and husband to enjoy their time together.
    Erikson’s seventh stage of generativity versus stagnation,
    meaningful work in her life was the successful upbringing of her children. Satisfaction manifests itself as the pride she has in her children, meaningful to society and leaves a legacy.