Marlenes Life which led her to her marriage to Justin biber

  • The birth of an angel

    The day that the best girl in the whole wide world was born. Everyone was happy and they knew that they weren't worthy enough to even deserve her!! ^_^
  • Learning how to milk from a cow

    She learnt how to run after a cow to get some milk to drink.
  • Learnt how to say a speacial phrase

    This is the day she learnt to say 'back off my food buddy!!', whenever someone came near her food or drink.
  • learnt how to fly with pigs

    She discovered this talent, that when ever she roared like a lion, the pigs and herself would fly,up high, in the sky! They would fly in circles and try spelling the first letter of her name.
  • Took her first steps

    On this day she really wanted to go to the toilet but she didn't want to do it in her diaper, so she decided to go run to the toiet and then she walked!! But unfortunately she couldn't walk fast enough to make it.
  • Discovered fairies

    She was taking a walk, a year after she learnt to walk then when she bent down to look at bugs on the ground, then she saw that it wasnt exactly bugs it was pink fairies
  • love for pink

    She first discovered her love for pink when she sees this pink butterfly and she traps that butterfly in her jar,in her closet and keeps it forever
  • Biting people

    She learnt how to bite people if they didn't change the tv channel to what she wanted.