Mark zucherberg

Mark Zucherberg timeline

  • Birth in Dobbs Ferry, New york

    Birth in Dobbs Ferry, New york
    Born to the parents of Karen, a psychologist and Edward, a dentist.
  • Creates Zucknet

    Creates Zucknet
    Creates a messaging program know as zucknet at the age of 12 for his father's dentist work.
  • Graduates from highschool

    Graduates from highschool
    Graduates from Phillips Execter Acamedy in the spring and recieved high honors in Math, astronomy & Physics.
  • Goes to Harvard university

    Goes to Harvard university
    Goes to Harvard shortly after graduation
  • Period: to

    Dropes out of Harvard for Facebook

    Mark creates Facebook then dropes out of Harvard & moves to california to work on Facebook
  • Becomes world youngest billionaire

    Becomes world youngest billionaire
    Mark is named the youngest nillionaire with his current networth being $6 billion dollars
  • Facebook reaches 500 million user mark

    Facebook reaches 500 million user mark
    Facebook user mark keeps increasing
  • The Social Network

    The Social Network
    Mark Zuckerberg's life and founding years of Facebook are made into a movie which was one of the most succesful films of the year.
  • Facebook timeline

    Facebook timeline
    Mark Zuckerberg introduces the newest addition to facebook aloowing users to share important times in their lives together.