Marco polo 9443861 1 402

Marco Polo

  • Sep 15, 1254


    There isn't an exact date for Marco Polo's birthday. His birth place is also unknown. It was definitely somewhere in Venice. He was born to Nicole Anna Defuseh and Niccolo Polo. Knowing his father and uncle, he was destined for a wonderous futue.
    Source: (Saari, Baker 687)
  • Jan 1, 1256

    ** War Starting

    ** War Starting
    Venice and Genoa go to war in a conflict that will last for almost a century. The two countries had been tolerating each other too long. They both wanted domination over the Mediterranean Sea, and so they went to war. The war lasted from 1256-1381.
    Source: (Trager 112)
  • Jan 1, 1271

    They Journey Begins

    They Journey Begins
    Two years before, Marco's father and uncle, Maffeo, got back to Venice when he was 15. He then sets out on a jounrey with them, now 17 years old, going to Asia. There was no exact date when they left in 1271, but it was the year the journey started.
    Source: (Knight, Galens 298)
  • Jan 1, 1274

    Reaching Cathay & Kublai Khan

    Reaching Cathay & Kublai Khan
    There was no exact date in 1274, but the Polos reached Cathay that year. There, they meet Kublai Khan and gave him papel letters. They all were also given important places in Khan's court.
    Source: (Falcone 514)
  • Jan 1, 1275

    The Favorite with a New Role

    The Favorite with a New Role
    Out of all the Polos, Marco was Kublai's favorite. He was inspired by the young scholar and all his ideas of the world and his work on it. That year Kublai appointed Marco as his personal envoy.
    Source: (Knight, Galens 302)
  • Jan 1, 1278

    **Glass Mirror is invented.

    **Glass Mirror is invented.
    The glass mirror was invented in the year of 1278. Theres not a specific person who invented it, but they originate from the Romans. "Socrates gave advice to young men to look at themselves in the mirror, and those who were handsome should focus their life on keeping their souls clean and stay away from the temptations of life that could take them on the wrong path." Romans decorated mirrors with silver and gold things too.
    Source: "Mirrors and History of Mirrors" & (Trager 116)
  • Jan 12, 1280

    ** Paper Money is New

    ** Paper Money is New
    Paper money was first used in Hang-chau. Merchants started using it first before other people. It was still unknown in Europe. Later, trade introduced paper money to other places of the world.
    Source:(Trager 116)
  • Jan 1, 1282

    A New Governor

    A New Governor
    In 1282, Marco Polo is appointed governor of Yang-chau He served his role in Kublai's court for three years. He was very respected and liked.
    Source: (Saari, Baker 692)
  • Jan 1, 1292

    The Long Way Home

    The Long Way Home
    Marco's father and uncle are ready to go back to their homeland in Venice. Kublai doesn't want them to leave though, Finally, a couple of years later, he agrees to have them go on a voyage to bring Princess Cocachin and her wedding party to Persia to marry Khan's nephew, the ruler there.
    Source: (Knight, Galens 301)
  • Jan 1, 1294

    On the way back to Venice

    On the way back to Venice
    After staying in Persia for two years, the Polos start to head back but discover that Khan had died. So they head back to Venice. With them, they bring goods, and other things of value.
    Source: (Falcone 513)
  • Jan 1, 1295

    Home Sweet Home

    Home Sweet Home
    Finally, after a year of traveling, they get back to their homeland. People are stunned that they're alive. After being gone for a quarter of a century, people suspected they died. Also, they come to find out that Marco's mother had died while they were away.
    Source: (Falcone 513)
  • Jan 1, 1298


    In 1298, Marco Polo is made "gentlemen commander" of Venetian galley. During the war he was taken prisoner by Genoa peoples too. In there, he met a writer named Rustichello of Pisa and Marco Polo told him of his travels. A year later, he was released.
    Source: (Saari, Baker 893)
  • Jan 1, 1298

    ** Spinning Wheel Helps Out

    ** Spinning Wheel Helps Out
    The invention of the spinning wheel revolutionizes textile production. They first appeared in Asia. The spinning wheel required less hand work, so people who spun things likes yarn and thread used less energy. Source:(Trager 119)
  • Jan 1, 1310

    **Council Rules

    **Council Rules
    Venice establishes a council of Ten to rule the city. They're actions were often secretive. Some venetians liked the council and some didn't, but there wasn't any problems.
    Source:(Trager 122)
  • Jan 1, 1314

    ** Scotland On It's Own

    ** Scotland On It's Own
    England was ruling over Scotland, and England was very wealthy. Scotland wanted to seperate itself, govern itself. The war between Scotland and England was from 1296–1328. Finally, Scotland gained it's independence at the Battle of Bannock Burn.
    Source: (Trager 123)
  • Jan 1, 1324


    Before Marco Polo died he had married a woman named Ponata and they had 3 daughters. It's said that he died sometime in January. He was buried in the church of San Lorenzo.
    Source: (Saari, Baker 687)