March on washington

March on Washington

  • Black Soldiers Exclusion from WWII

    Black Soldiers Exclusion from WWII
    A. Philip Randolph planned a protest march on Washington for the Black soldiers Exclusion from jobs and Roosevelts New deal Programs post WWII. But Roosevelt made a fair employment practice committee which caused him to call off the protest.
  • Funding Cut

    From the mid 1940s to 1946 the funding to the fair employment practice committee was cut off by congress, this made many citizens mad and felt like they were being played.
  • THE gathering

    May 1957, 25,000 people gathered at the Lincoln Memorial to commemorate the Brown v. Board of Education which made all students of race equal in the classroom even if the schools are segregated. It was to motivate the follow through on this law.
  • Another march

    Another march
    During the mid 1950s (1957) Randolph wanted to propose another march from unequal treatment he was getting all while Martin Luther King Jr. was on the rise as a leader which meant their chances might have been better this time, along with getting the National Association for the Advancement of Colored people (NAACP) together.
  • Unjust Attacks

    There were many violent attacks on protestors in Alabama which made their blood boil which caused them to want to march again.
  • The merge

    During this time Martin Luther King Jr. was fighting his Christian leadership Conference while Randolph was planning for the march of jobs, so they decided to merge their needs and created one big protest for the equal rights and opportunities for African American citizens.
  • The March

    The March
    John F. Kennedy talked to King the day before the march and feared it would end in violence. King replied "Frankly, I have never engaged in any direct-action movement which did not seem ill-timed." Therefore they went forth with the March of Washington and it ended up being successful.