Marcella's Child Development Timeline

  • One Month Old.

    Mastered skills; Lift their heads while laying on their tummies, respond to sounds, and stare at faces.
    Engerging skills; Ffollow objectss barley with their eyes, vocolizes coo's and ahhs, And can see black and white patterns. Avanced babies can smile, laugh, holdtheir head head and a 45 degree angle.
  • Five Months Old

    Mastered Skills - Distinguishes between bold colors, plays with hands and feet.
    Engering Skills- Recognizes own name, turns towards new sounds, and can roll in both directions.
    Advances Skills- Sits momentarly without support, mouths objects, and seperation anxiety may begin.
  • Tewlve Months Old.

    Mastered Skills - Intimidates others' activities, and indicates words with gestures.
    Engerging Skills - Takes a few steps, and can say mone word other then 'mama' and 'dada'
    Advanced Skills - Walks alone, scribbles with a crayon, says two words besides 'mama' and 'dada'
  • 18 Months old

    Mastered Skilss- will "ead" board book own his own, and scribbles well.
    Engering Skills - Strings two words together in pphrases,, brushes teeth without help, and stacks four blocks.
    Advances Skills -Throws a ball overhand, takes toys apart and puts them back together, and shows signs of toilet training readiness.
  • 24 Months Old

    Mastered Skills - Names at least six body parts, half of speech is understandable, makes two to three word sentences.
    Engering Skills - Talks about self, arranges things in categories, can walk down stairs,
    Advances Skills - Begins to understand abstract concepts, (e.g. sooner and laterr), becomes falmilar with gender differences, learns to jump.
  • 30 Moth's old.

    Mastered skills - Brushes teeth with help, washes and dries own hands, and can draw a verticlew lin.e
    Energing skills - Draws a circle and can balance on one foot.
    Advanced skills -Put on a t-shirt, name one color, name one friend.
  • 36 months old.

    Mastered skills - Describes how two objects are used, uses three to four words in a sentence, and can name two actions, (e.g.skipping, jumping.)
    Engering skills - Hops, skips, follows a two-or-three part command, seperates fairly easily from parents, rides a tricycle.
    Advanced skills - Balances on each foot for three seconds, and can get dressed without help.