Parker Odyssey

  • 1213 BCE

    Suitors/ Home pt.2

    Before the suitors know who Odysseus is they treat him poorly. Odysseus kills Antinous first because he was the main suitor treating him very poorly. He proves that he is truly Odysseus and his wife tests him about they're bed. In the last section we learn that Odysseus truly does appreciate loyalty. But he does not appreciate the disrespect that the suitors were giving.
  • 1213 BCE

    Helios's Cattle pt.2

    In this section we learn that his men can be lead astray at times. We also learn that Eurylochus can sometimes give instructions even against Odysseus word.
  • 1213 BCE

    Scylla and Charybdis

    Scylla and Charybdis
    Scylla is a six-headed monster who when ships pass, swallows one sailor for each head. Charybdis is a whirlpool that threatens to swallow the entire ship. As instructed by Circe, Odysseus holds his course tight against the cliffs of Scylla’s lair.As he and his men stare at Charybdis on the other side of the strait, the heads of Scylla swoop down and gobble up six of the sailors. In this location we learn that Circe gave Odysseus a list of instructions which he has to follow to get home safe.
  • 1213 BCE

    Helios Cattle

    Helios Cattle
    They reached the island of the Sun. Odysseus wanted to avoid this island all together but Eurylochus insisted the crew needed to rest. Odysseus made the crew swear not to eat any cattle ,but they were trapped on the island for a month and they began to starve. One day Odysseus was sleep and Eurylochus convinced the men to eat some cattle. He woke up and found that the men broke their promise and killed some cattle.
  • 1213 BCE


    Odysseus comes home to see his balance hs been taken over by suitors. Suitors are people who are staying in they're house trying to have Penelope's and in marriage. They would inherit ll of Odysseus money and land. The suitors must string Odysseus's bow which only he knows how to string. After that they must shoot an arrow through twelve axe handles. Odysseus is back at home but he is dressed as an old beggar. Eumaeus helps him get in and retrieve his bow.
  • 1212 BCE


    Odysseys and his men sail through the land of Cyclops a race of uncivilized one eyed giants. After they ate a meal of wild goats they made their way to the mainland. They come across a cave full of sheep, and crates of milk and cheese.Odysseys tells theme no. They meet Polyphemus one of the cyclops. He showed them lots of hospitality but then tuned hostile. He ate two of the men and locked Odysseys and his men in a cave. Odysseys came up with a plan to get out.
  • 1212 BCE

    Cyclops pt.2

    He got Polyphemus drunk off of wine. Polyphemus ask Odysseys his name and he said nobody. Odysseys got a stick put it over fire and stabbed him in the eye. They escape the next morning without Polyphemus catching them. In this section we learn that Odysseys is a problem solver and a true leader. He makes a plan to get him and his men to safety which shows true leadership.
  • 1212 BCE

    Aeolus-Bag of Wind

    Aeolus-Bag of Wind
    Odysseys and his men sail from the land of the Cyclops to home of Aeolus the god of winds. Aeolus gives Odysseys two gifts one was a wind that pushes them towards their homeland, the other gift is a bag of storm winds. Odysseus's men thought the bag was full of gold so they opened it and the wind pushed them back to Aeolus. He would not help them because he thought they're trip was cursed by the gods. They sailed to the land of Laestrygonians were a queen turned Odysseys scouts into dinner.
  • 1212 BCE

    Aeolus-Bag of Wind pt.2

    Odysseus and his men flee toward their ships. The Laestrygonians pelt the ships with boulders and sink them in the harbor.Only Odysseus’s ship escapes. In this part of the book we learn that Odysseus’s men only think of gold and fortune. Instead of asking Odysseus what was in the bag they instead opened the bag and it was not what they were expecting.
  • 1212 BCE


    Odysseus and his men travel to Aeaea home of the witch-goddess Circe.Circe drugs some of Odysseus’s men and turn them into pigs.Odysseus goes to rescue them when Hermès approaches him in the form of a young man. He gives Odysseus a herb to protect himself from Circe’s drug.He tells him to then lunge at her when she tries to strike him with her sword. He followed his instructions and forced her to change his men back into their human forms.
  • 1211 BCE

    Lotus Eaters Analysis

    Odysseus shows how much he cares about his men in this part of the book. He could have left the men on the island but instead he remembered his originally duty, which was to get these men home.
  • 1210 BCE

    Lotus Eaters

    Lotus Eaters
    Zeus sent a storm that sent Odysseus and his men to the land of the Lotus Eaters. The people that lived there gave Odysseus's his men the intoxicating fruit of the lotus.This fruit makes you forget your home and makes you only want to stay there. The only way to get them off the sailed Odysseus had to drag his men and lock them on the ship.
  • 1203 BCE


    As they are sailing they pass through the island of Sirens. Odysseus plugs his men’s ears with beeswax and has them bind him to the mast of the ship. He hears their song promising to reveal the future. Odysseus begs to be released from his fetters but his faithful men only bind him tighter. In this location we learn that even though at times Odysseus’s men can be very anxious they are still loyal to their leader.
  • 1200 BCE

    Trojan War

    Trojan War
    The Trojan War began after Paris a prince of Troy kidnapped Helen. The most beautiful women in the world from her husband Menelaus the Kind of Sparta. Menelaus recruited soldiers and kings from all over Greece to help him retrieve his wife and reclaim his honor. Odysseus , king of the island Ithaca sailed to Troy and besieged the walled city. For ten years the Greeks battled the Trojans without succeeding in conquering them.
  • 1200 BCE

    Trojan War Analysis

    Odysseus fought in the war because he wanted Helen's and in marriage before and he took an oath to always protect her.In the Trojan War we learn that Odysseus is smart when it comes to war strategies. We learn that he is smart and can find ways to achieve his goal.
  • Circe pt.2

    Odysseus and his men stay for another year. His men convinced him it was time to go home. He asks Circe how to get home and she tells him he has to sail to Hades the underworld. To talk to the spirit of Tiresias who will tell him how to get home. When speaking to Tiresias Odysseus learns that he will return home , reclaim his wife and palace from wretched suitors.