Manufacturing - Cellular Phones

  • First Mobile Phone

    First Mobile Phone
    In 1983, the DynaTAC 8000x was the first commercially available handheld mobile phone. Mobile Phone - Wikipedia. (n.d.). Retrieved from
  • First Smartphone

    First Smartphone
    While the term "smartphone" hadn't been used until 1995, the first true smartphone actually made it's debut three years earlier, in 1992. The Simon Personal Communicator by IBM. World's first smartphone Simon launched before iPhone - Business Insider. (2015). Retrieved from
  • SMS Text Messaging

    SMS Text Messaging
    Used for the first time on December 3, 1992, when Neil Papworth, a 22 year old test engineer for Sema Group in the UK used a personal computer to send a text message. Text messaging - Wikipedia. (n.d.). Retrieved from
  • Feature Phones Become Standard

    Feature Phones Become Standard
    Feature Phones, or "Dumbphones", run on proprietary firmware with third party software support through platform such as Java ME or BREW. Feature phone - Wikipedia. (n.d.). Retrieved from
  • The Smartphones of the 2000s

    The Smartphones of the 2000s
    Around the mid 2000s, Blackberry, Windows Mobile and Palm were the most highly regarded handsets. These had features such as Email access, WAP Browsers, and many mobile options such as an organizer and more. 10 of the greatest smartphones from 10 years ago (2015 edition). (2015). Retrieved from
  • A phone is introduced and changes the industry

    A phone is introduced and changes the industry
    Apple introduces the iPhone. This is the first phone to not include a QWERTY Keyboard in Hardware Form, but only in Software. It also introduced technologies like Multi-Touch, and included an iPod in the phone.
  • iPhone X and Other Smartphones

    iPhone X and Other Smartphones
    In today's world, everyone has a smartphone. They have become cheaper to obtain and easy to use. Technologies such as forward facing cameras, internet video calling, biometrics, and 4G LTE connections were introduced. Recently, iPhone X was released, moving away from a standard form factor of a large screen, volume buttons, power buttons, and a "home" button. New Multi-Touch Gestures were created for the iPhone X.