
Mansa Musa's Pilgrimage to Mecca

By Eliesse
  • 1280

    Mansa Musa was Born

    Mansa Musa was Born
    born into the Keita Dynasty in 1280s in Mali as Musa Keita
  • 1312

    Mansa Musa was Crowned Emperor

    Mansa Musa was Crowned Emperor
    Emperor Following The Death Of Abu-Bakr II.
  • 1324

    Began Pilgrimage around West Africa

    Began Pilgrimage around West Africa
    began his pilgrimage thousands of escorts
    brought immense amounts of gold, gave some away on his journey
    new access to gold caused a flood in the economy. causing gold to lose its value
  • 1337

    Mansa Musa Died of Natural Causes

    Mansa Musa Died of Natural Causes