Major Events in Earth's History

  • Period: 110 BCE to 112

    Ice Ages

    2.5 million years ago to present: Ice ages were caused by cooling climates. Humans evolved from apes quickly evolved and took over the planet.
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    The formation

    4.5 to 4 billion years ago was when the Earth was formed and a large impact created the moon. During this period, the oceans were also formed. There is no official evidence of life during this time, but it could have been present.
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    Single-celled life

    4 to 2.5 billion years ago was when the earliest traces of life was found. It only existed in the oceans in the form of single-celled organisms. There was very limited oxygen supply causing organisms to learn to generate energy in other ways.
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    Proterozoic Era

    The proterozoic era occurred 2.5 to 1 billion years ago. This included the paleoproterozoic and mesoproterozoic eras which was the time where photosynthesis evolved which produced oxygen. The oxygen was able to build up in the atmosphere because of changes in the ocean chemistry. Some eukaryotes emerged like red algae, but the ocean was still predominantly microbes.
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    Neoproterozoic era

    1 billion to 541 million years ago: eukaryotes continued to diversify. Eventually, early animal lineages evolved in the ocean like sponges and cnidarians.
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    Cambrian period

    541 to 485 million years ago: Living animal lineages were becoming more diversified. Invertebrates dominated the ocean ecosystems.
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    Plants on land

    485 to 419 million years ago: Early fishes became more diverse as well as invertebrates. Plants began to grow on land, of relation to fungi.
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    Formation of forests

    419 to 358 million years ago: Plants began to form forests on land which created habitat for four-legged vertebrates and invertebrates like insects.
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    Carboniferous Period

    Swampy forests came into existence from seed plants. Amphibian-like vertebrates on land became more diverse.
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    Mass extinctions

    298 to 200 million years ago: Volcanos started to erupt causing 90% of all species to become extinct. This time period was where dinosaurs emerged and early relatives of mammals.
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    Dinosaurs dominate

    200 to 66 million years ago: Dinosaurs became the major predators and herbivores on land while marine reptiles were kings of the ocean. This welcomed the emergence of aerial predates including birds and pterosaurs. Flowering plants were being pollinated by insects and mammals were small and nocturnal.
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    Grasslands and Mammals

    66 to 2.5 million years ago: Mammals took over after the large extinction of dinosaurs. Grasslands emerged as the climate cooled and carbon dioxide levels decreased.
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    Humans emerge

    200,000 years ago homo sapiens originated.